Chapter Thirty Eight

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I took Kody's advice and I slept. The bed in the Vincent's guest room was comfortable and the temperature was just brisk enough for the thick covers to toss me into a comfortable dreamless slumber.

When I woke up, Rory was lying next to me, texting on her phone and mumbling to herself.

I blinked my vision clear. "You ever hear of privacy?" I asked sitting up in the bed.

She turned to me a wide smile on her face. "Of course not. I've been trying to wake you up using the powers of my mind for a while. It's almost four."

I shrugged at the knowledge that I'd almost slept twelve hours.

"I had a long day."

She winced. "I know. Kody will kill me if he finds out I woke you up but he and Aiden went to the gym a couple of minutes ago. Let's keep this between us yeah?"

I laughed throwing the covers off of me. "Sure. Let me just hop in the shower and you can explain why it's so apparent I wake up."

She beamed at me. "Okay. Make it a quick one."

I did make it a quick one. I showered and brushed my teeth before changing into thick leggings and a white tank top. I scooped my hair into a low bun and washed and moisturized my face.

Rory was still waiting for me in my room. "So, I want you to meet my best friend." She said with a wary smile. "Her and her dad are coming to dinner tomorrow but we're going to the mall in a little bit."

I nodded. I wanted to do anything besides stay in the house all day.

She pondered for a moment before sighing. "Okay, who did Kody fight? Jaxon?"

I was confused. I took a hesitant breath before answering. "Why do you think he fought anybody?"

She sent me a duh look. "I'm not blind, Ezra." When I didn't respond, she rolled her eyes. "His hand was swollen. He was angry and grumbling."

My mind cleared and I remembered Bryce. "Aww shit" I groaned.

Rory's eyes widened. "So it was Jaxon? That brother of mine-"

"It wasn't Jaxon." I said cutting her off. "At least I'm pretty sure it wasn't

She raised a brow, urging me to go on.

I sighed explaining the events that had occured earlier. Rory didn't seem shocked by Bryce's actions. Once I was done she held her finger up.

"You make strong arguments, it could have been Bryce."

I narrowed my eyes. She obviously had some information. "Why did you think it was Jaxon?"

She groaned. "Okay, don't tell Kody I told you but, there was some drama at Winterbrook University last night."

I deadpanned, waiting for her to continue.

"So apparently, There was a huge party, Jaxon was there. Turns out he was running his mouth about you, really disrespectful stuff. Matty overheard some things and there was a bit of a tussle."

I grabbed her arm before she could continue. "King and Jaxon?"

She nodded. "Sin was there, said Matty went crazy. When he tried to calm him down he stormed out. They haven't seen him since. "

This was big news. And it was surprising. I couldn't picture laid back and goofy King picking a fight with Jaxon. Definitely not over me.

"That's how Kody found out about the rumor?"

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