Chapter 7

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~Brittany's POV~

I backed my car out and started driving to Caroline's house. I started giving her rides after she got in an accident last year. Her parents banned her from driving, with good reason. She was drunk and decided to get behind the wheel to drive home from a party. She hit a guy in a Prius and did quite a bit of damage. He was in a coma for two weeks. She felt terrible. When he woke up she was extremely apologetic. She even paid his medical bills because it was her fault. The guy wasn't super angry about it. In fact, he hadn't even thought about her paying his medical bills. He was thankful that she did.

She even got him a brand new Prius. He was very thankful for everything she did for him. He even told her he wasn't going to press charges because he made the same mistake when he was a teenager. She had to promise him to never drink and drive again because it could have been a lot worse. She swore on her life that she never would again. She hasn't driven since. She doesn't want to drive after that anyways.

After about five minutes I pull up to her house. She lived two blocks from me and it was on my way home. So I never ask her for gas money even though she pays for it every other week. I think she feels bad but I don't mind giving her rides, she is my best friend after all. She got out and I continued driving till I got home. I parked my car and went inside. Inside Ryan greeted me with a ginormous hug and smile.

"How was school Lil bro?"

"Sissy, it was the best thing ever! How come no one told me how great school was?!"

"We just wanted you to feel it for yourself instead of us telling you."


Ryan ran up to his room to play with his toys. I sat down at the breakfast bar and did my homework. Around five-thirty I got a text from my mom saying it was going to be a late-night for her and to just order pizza for Ryan and I. Fred always got home around twelve-thirty and my mom always got home around five to make us dinner. I called Dominos and got a large pepperoni pizza delivered.

It was six O'clock when pizza got to the house. I happily paid the driver and got the pizza. I brought it inside and before I could yell for Ryan he was already running down the stairs. These were my favorite times. When Ryan and I had our 'pizza dates' or at least that's what he would call them. We would get a large pepperoni pizza to share and watch power rangers until Ryan's bedtime.

At eight, I started getting Ryan ready for bed. Once he was ready for bed, I tucked him in and read him a story. At ten-ish I went to bed.

The next day in math we didn't really do much, everyone was too busy talking about how I pranked Jacob back yesterday. That's really the only thing I've heard people talking about. After math class, I went to my locker to grab my stuff for English. I don't know how but somehow Jacob got my locker combo and put sticky notes all over my locker and everything in my locker. The bright blue one I wrote on was in there too except my words were whited out and there were new words that read, "Can't wait to work on that English project princess"

That prank wasn't very bad. I thought it would be a lot different. Until I noticed that my notebook was missing that I wrote everything that I hated about teachers in. I silently started freaking out. I decided to blow it off, luckily I never wrote my name on any of the things I wrote. I did write some mean stuff about them though. I walked in class and saw Jacob smirking at me as usual. I rolled my eyes at him. I decided to ask him about how he got into my locker.

"How'd you get in my locker?"

"I bribed your best friend," he stated it like it was so obvious.

"How?!" Caroline would never give up valuable information like that unless he got her something she really wanted.

"I got her a date with my friend Cody, he likes her. He was just too scared to ask her."

"Oh, how did you know she liked him back?"

"I saw her staring at him in P.E. yesterday."

"Ugh, Caroline."

He just chuckled at my last comment. After that, we brainstormed ideas for our project. We had to do a project that demonstrated the need for teamwork skills. We decided on baking a cake. We went through so many other ideas before deciding that, it was frustrating. Surprisingly, English actually wasn't so bad today. Jacob was kinda sweet.

Seventh hour finally came around after what felt like an eternity. The first thing I did when I saw Caroline was flip her the bird. She pretended to be shocked but she grinned and giggled. Then, she walked up to me.

"Sorry, but he offered me a date with Cody. You know I've liked him since freshman year!"

"Still, He took my journal that had everything I hate about all my teachers ever."

"I promised you he didn't."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I wasn't going to betray you that bad, I took it out before I told him this morning. He asked what it was but I just told him it was mine and I put it in there because it was closer than my locker."

"Oh, thank god."

"I was kinda scared not gonna lie."

"Of course you were."

The teacher finally walked in to begin class. We were playing dodgeball. Of course, she put me and Caroline on different teams. Jacob was on my team and I was not happy about that. I tried to convince him to trade spots with Caroline so we could gossip together. But his response was, "Nope, I like being on a team with you princess."

After class, I walked to my car with Caroline. To my surprise, I saw Jacob leaning against my car. Before I even reached my door he stood right in my way.

"Give me your phone"

"Uhm why?"

"So I can give you my number, duh."

"Oh ok, here" I handed him my phone.

"K, there's my number princess, feel special cuz I don't just give everyone my number."

"Lucky me."

I dropped Caroline off at her house and proceeded to drive to my house. When I got home I noticed Fred's truck out front and my mom's SUV. That's weird they're never home this early. I park my car in its normal spot and go inside.

I walk in to see my Mom on the couch crying and Fred holding her. She looks up once I close the door and cries more. I walk over to the recliner, right across from the couch.

"Is everything ok?"

My mom looked up at me with sad eyes and said: "Honey, we need to talk."

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