Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty One

"Do you think Marcus will be there?" Josephine asks and I know she's already been thinking about this.

He doesn't play football so he won't be on the field but chances are he'll be in the bleachers. I turn to look at her and nod once before she sighs and looks out the window.

"It's good you look so cute because when he does see you he'll be like 'damn, she's hot as fuck. why did I let her go?'" Erica says matter-of-factly and Josephine lets out a small laugh.

Josephine turns to look at me, "And while we're on the topic about boys," she turns in her seat so she can face me, "what's going on between you and tall-dark-and-handsome?"

I laugh at her nickname for Trace before shrugging, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Erica scoffs, "I call bullshit." she says in a sing-song voice.

I pull into the parking lot and turn to look at them, "I'm serious guys. He's helped me with a lot of crazy stuff. We're just friends."

Erica rests her head on the back of Josephine's seat and gives me a look of disbelief, "So you don't think he's hot?"

I never said that.

"Of course I notice how hot he is," I roll my eyes for dramatic effect, "it just doesn't affect me. We're friends and I don't want to lose that with him."

I get out of the car deciding I'm finished with this conversation. Erica and Josephine follow me.

We make our way towards the football field where the bleachers were set up beside it. I see Lucas from the top of the stands waving at us like a crazy person and the three of us follow his direction and sit beside them at the top.

"I'm glad you finally got here," Adalyn starts, "it was getting harder and harder to save your seats."

I look around at the field and notice all the boys in uniform jogging into view. They're all from our school wearing our colors of red and black. Trace, Mason and Ethan are leading the line with Cameron and another boy behind them. The rest of the team follows and they run through a giant inflatable football while the cheerleaders cheer for them.

My eyes stay on Trace as he runs across the field, waving his hands at the crowd and jumping. The crowd gets louder as he runs past, encouraging the noise. He runs past my section and his eyes meet mine.

Even from behind his helmet I can see his eyes switch from excitement to happiness as he sees me sitting at the top watching him intently. He winks at me and I give him a small nod back before he continues running by.

The coach blows the whistle and the team crowds around him while the opponent makes their way onto the field.

I don't know anything about football so I'm not certain what's happening right now but I hear a whistle blow again and then a line forms. About ten from each team, each facing one of the opposite school.

Suddenly, they all tackle and the football flies through the air. Trace catches it and begins running, expertly dodging a few guys trying to tackle him.

Three guys corner him and he throws the ball to Mason who catches it easily and runs through the line marker. The coach blows the whistle and our schools team walks towards him while the crowd cheers.

"Was that our point?" I whisper to Lucas and he looks at me like I have three heads.

"Have you never been to a football game?"

I shake my head slowly and his eyes widen before he nods, "Yea, that was our point."

Like before, about ten players from each team line up in the center of the field and a whistle blows before the football goes flying through the air.

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