Chapter eight

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Imagine if I said this book is coming to an end.

Chapter eight: how many nights does it take to count the stars?


Jacob and I got closer and not closer as in started to develop feelings, no. Closer as in our friendship has been developing, I introduced him to the whole fam, and he introduced to his family other than his mother, of course.

It's been almost three weeks when Luke got mad at me and he's still not talking to me, but that's okay; because he'll come around again, I think.

As I sat in the class with Sofia, it was a free period so we decided to leave class and go to our favorite place in the school. We went to chill out on the campus lawn, under a huge tree where we can climb up to the top, sometimes.

We sat under the tree, and she started telling about her crush and how she was waiting for him to ask her out. "Sofia, why don't you ask him out?"

"Me? Hell no," her face turned red and I let out a chuckle.

"Why not? It's 2020, girls can ask boys out," I shrugged.

"Still, I want him to ask me out," she patted her eyes.

"Can I sit with you guys?" We looked up and saw Chase and his three friends standing there together, I recognized his friends: Ethan, Jay, and Asher. Sofia looked at me with puppy eyes, because her crush was one of them.

"Sure," I mumbled. They all sat on the grass, we were sitting in a circle.

"Hey, Asher," Sofia smiled at the blond guy who flushed her a smile.

"Hey," he sat closer to her and started chatting.

I looked at the other two, Ethan and Jay, but they were talking about the fair that the school was holding. I groaned as I saw Chase smirking at me, I sighed and grabbed my phone from my back pocket.

"I'm not that lame," he said.

"Actually, you are that lame," I rolled my eyes.

"By the way, you're coming with me today, since Leo had to take Luke to the hospital," Chase told me.

"Why? What happened?" My eyes widened.

"Nothing, just some blood test and shit," he shrugged.

"Okay," I nodded. "I hope he's okay."

"He will be okay, Scar," he whispered.

When Luke was five, he was diagnosed with Leukemia, then after three years; he was cured from it. However; it came after a year, but then again, it left his body when he turned 12.

"It just keeps coming back," I frowned. "I worry for him."

"We are all worried for him, but we just have to keep going," he licked his lips. "Still interested in Leo?"

"Not really," I shook my head. "He became my best friend when you left, and..."

"You just friend zoned him," he laughed. "By the way, I'm better than him."

"Not even close," I smirked.

"Leo is lame, me? I'm full of adventures, I'll pick you up in midnight, we'll have a long drive," he bit his lip. "We'll go to our favorite diner, stay there until four in the morning, we run together to the car, talk about anything and everything, dance like nobody's watching, I will show you the world. We will watch the sunset together, we will do things we know we are not supposed to do, we'll drive with our windows down."

I bit my lip to stop me from smiling, I couldn't forgive him, not after what he's done. I looked into Chase's eyes, and it seemed to me that he was dreaming of these moments.

"By the way, and what? Continue what you were going to say," he smirked.

"And I have a boyfriend now," I said.

His eyes widened, but than god the bell rung, interrupting our conversation, I excused myself as I stood up, collected my things and left them.

When Harry said, "how many nights does it take to count the stars? That's the time it would take to fix my heart."

And I could relate to it.


I apologize for this late chapter but university is giving me many works to do that I don't have time to write anymore. However, I will publish a new book once I'm done with university and have free time in my hands. I'm excited for you to maybe read it, if you want to.

Anyway, I said a lot. Thank you so much for reading and giving this book a chance.

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