Chapter 3

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Your POV

You stared in shock at the tv screen as a fan tried to remove Suga's skin tape. It was an unspoken rule amongst fans that skin tape was never forcefully removed. You watched as your bias wrecker walked backstage while two other members followed him back.

Rap Monster saw what had happened and quickly bid the audience goodnight as he and the rest of the members followed Suga backstage as well. The broadcast ended, and you remained frozen for another moment as you fully registered what had occurred.

"That was insane," Ivy whispered to you. You nodded in agreement before retreating to your room for the night.

The next morning, the internet had blown up with theories of Suga's soulmate mark. What did his reaction mean? Was it black or blue or white? Were any pictures clear enough to see the writing? One fan theory believed that no writing existed, but that was crazy and no one believed it. He was an idol. How could he have no soulmate?

You silently stared at the black letters on your own wrist, the color indicating that you had yet to find your one true love. Soulmates that had found each other had dark blue tattoos. White was the worst color. A person's soulmate tattoo only turned white when their soulmate had died. Your sister had been so excited for her tattoo to appear, only to spend her birthday in tears as a white line had burned into her skin. Her soulmate had died before their first meeting.

Your parents had sent her to therapy, but she had always been a sensitive person. It took her a while to return to normal and you had recently attended her wedding to a lovely woman who also had a white line. It gave you hope, but not much. Being mute, it was hard to imagine how the words would appear on your soulmate's skin. Would it be in the form of hand signs? Or did it only work for spoken word?

A knock at your door interrupted your thought. Ivy peeked her head in. "Y/N, get off your phone. You have a meeting with the foreign language department and you need to drop me off for work, too." You stood and signed your understanding to her. Quickly, you dressed in a white blouse and black jeans. You'd be sitting at a table anyway, no one would be staring at your legs.

You grabbed the notes from the previous meeting and headed out.

Yoongi POV

Yoongi hadn't emerged from his room in two days. The manager had agreed to let the boy stay in the city for two weeks since they had just finished the last show on their tour and to allow Yoongi to recover before going back to work. Though the latter was more implied and not spoken.

The other members had stopped by. Frequently at first, but now they came around every other hour or so. He'd heard Jin through the thin hotel walls telling the other members to give him some space. They had listened to him, and Yoongi was glad they did.

He knew it wasn't healthy. He'd only ordered room service and only left his bed to get the food or use the bathroom. Maybe he was taking it too far, but who cared? Clearly no one, considering the empty space on his wrist.

A knock came at the door. Yoongi glanced at the clock on the bedside table. 7:00 AM. Right on time.

"Hyung?" Yoongi heard the maknae call from the other side of the door. He followed his usual practice and remained silent, simply waiting for the other member to give up and leave with empty promises of returning soon.

Yoongi's eyes were startled open as he heard the lock click and a noisy creak as the door was pushed open.

"Oh, hyung," Jungkook whispered as he took in the state of the hotel room. Yoongi had kept the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, forcing even the cleaning service to leave him alone. Thus the room was littered in trash and food wrappers, most of it on or around the bed.

"What do you want, Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, impatiently waiting to be left alone.

"I'm here to force you out. It's been two days. I know Jin hyung said to leave you alone, but this is our first time in this city and there's so many new things to see and do and you're in here moping and I get it, but at the same time you need to get over it and live your life. Don't let that thing ruin your happiness," Jungkook ranted. "Hyung," he added after a second thought, remembering his manners.

"How did you get in?" Yoongi questioned, forcing himself to sit up on the bed and face the younger. Jungkook held up a lock-picking kit with a grin. "When did you get that?"

"You'd know if you actually left this room and joined us having fun outside, hyung," Jungkook replied.

"Yah, why can't you just leave me alone. I'm wasting your time here anyway. Go have fun with Taehyung and Jimin," Yoongi said, looking very much like a grumpy cat.

"Because you are my hyung, just like them, and I can't leave you here to rot. Please, Yoongi hyung. Just come grab a coffee. There's a really nice cafe across the street. It doesn't get that crowded so no one should recognize you. Plus, they have really good coffee," Jungkook pleaded.

Yoongi sighed. There was no point in trying with this boy. Once he'd set his mind to something, he'd get it no matter what. Yoongi pushed himself off the bed with a groan.

"Fine. One coffee."

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