Chapter 2

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I saw a motorcycle pass me by... it was a lady figure... did Ethan deliver pizza this time? I got inside the house and saw my brother eating one... "How many times did dad tell you not to eat junk?" I stared angrily. "You will become fat."

He took a bite out of the last piece on the table and looked at me. "How many times did dad tell you to quit fighting? We are rich, brother... use that to your advantage... I'm gonna be the heir to father's company very soon... and my brother here will be in the ring...fighting. Really, Zavion... you have potential, use that to your advantage and quit fighting."

I looked at Ethan. "Did Dad talk you into this again? Did he tell u to convince me in taking the CEO post again?"

"Yes he did... but for real this time... Zavion, you need to quit fighting... I mean look at bruises all over your body; what do u think all those girls will say when they see Mr. handsome? And by girls I meant... did you meet the one that just left here?"

"No, I just saw her motorcycle leave the mansion... why are you telling me about a delivery woman?" I asked.

Ethan Scoffed "she's not just a delivery woman... her name is Zoella... and she is hot, like really hot... she's got that cute face and nice skin."

I grinned. "Really, when did my little brother start having an interest in girls?"

"I'm not gay Zavion... I just haven't seen the girl that interests me but this one does."

"Hmm, Ethan." I grinned but weirdly this time.

"What." He asked.

"Nothing... I will be in my room and put off all the lights when you are going to your room." I looked around the house... it was strange "Where is Izzy?"

He looked at me and stood up. "She said she has a project to submit early in the morning tomorrow."

"So..." I was expecting him to continue.

"So, she will be staying in her hostel, and can keep up with what is going on in this house." He said and took the plate to the kitchen.

"Make sure you call her...I won't be home tomorrow... I have another busy..."

He interrupted before I could finish my sentences. "Business... okay, I will call her but do reconsider taking the office."

"Bla Bla Bla...Rubbish" I said as I ran up the stairs.

I got to my room and removed the bandage from my hand. It was sore. I am having another fight tomorrow and dad won't be around until two weeks. I knew Izzy lied about the project thing... but she is old enough to take care of herself.

I took out the family photo album and removed the one I took with my childhood friend. I was nine and she was seven years old then... she was really cute but too bad I haven't seen her and her family since then...I just wish I could meet her one last time. I remembered when mom used to joke about the two of us... saying I'd be the one to marry her and we will both smile.

Zee was the name I always call her... like she never told me her real name... so I gave her Zee... I wanted our name to match since my name started with Z... Where are you, Zee? I missed her so much... any time I see chocolate, it reminds me of her. She loves eating it.

The day we met was on a Friday. It was raining so hard. Her dad had brought her over to our mansion. I think he had business with his father. I came down to take my night snack as always before I went to bed then I saw her jingling her legs.

She was so innocent and beautiful, she looked over to where I was and our eyes met but something was not right with her face... her cheeks were bruised. I removed my face immediately as I ran to the kitchen.

I brought out the ice cream can and a plate... I took the amount of ice cream I wanted... and head back to the living room to see if I would see her but she wasn't there. Has she left already?

"Hi" I heard a soft voice say.

"Oh My Gosh". I jumped up at first; I thought it was a ghost, I turned to look at her "You scared me."

Her face was paled and I could see the bruise on her cheeks as if she was bitten. "I'm so sorry." She smiled at me. Her smile was magic.

"Do you want ice cream?" I offered.

"Is that chocolate?" She had asked.

I smiled at her. "Yep... you love chocolate too?"

"It makes me happy anytime I am sad... so, it's like a medicine I use whenever I am sad."

"Oh, wow... I happened to like chocolate but I prefer the banana flavor." I gave her the plate of ice cream and went to take another.

"You should try taking chocolate whenever you are sad." She sat down on the staircase. "Have you ever been sad before?"

I could see the pain in her eyes. "Of course... my dad may have a lot of money but I always get sad anytime he is not around... he always goes out for business trips, by the way, what's your name?"

She gazed at me widely. "I can't tell you my name; my father will get upset and hit me again. He has a lot of money and we have bodyguards in our mansion."

"Why does he beat you...? I mean you are sweet and cute, you don't deserve it."

She moved closer to me and whispered in my ear. "You can call me anything and I will answer... that will be our secret." She avoided the question I asked.

Hmm, what about Zee? The name does fit you."

"Zee? I like it but why that name?" She asked. "It must be very special." She continued.

"It is special; I removed the z from the first letter of my name."

"What is your name?" she asked as she ate the last of the ice cream.

"Since you couldn't tell me your name then I won't also tell you mine... but how about you call me Z, you will be Zee and I will be Z. we will be best friends."

"Best friends? I like that, I don't have one so we are best friends." She brought out her pinky finger and we pinky swore to be best friends.

The rain has finally stopped; her father came out of Dad's office and took her home with him.

I put the picture back in the photo album the moment I heard my phone ring, It was a mom; she won't be coming home until two weeks. She went to see grandma.

She had called to check on Izzy and if I had told her that Izzy was in the hostel then she would have complained. I told her that Izzy was in her room and her phone was faulty and I'd asked Ethan to get her a new one tomorrow.

Mom ended the call and I sat on my bed, I'd have to wake up early to catch the first flight to Brazil. My fight will be taken place there. Dad looked at me as a waste because I decided not to take over the family's company.

He has always been proud of Ethan... he saw Ethan as his favorite because he does what he was asked to do but as for me and Izzy... we are like the problem in his life.

Mom did tell me to quit fighting because I'd be turning twenty-five very soon. She and dad have considered getting me married to their friend's daughter or she did suggest I should go on blind dates until I find my match.

The types of girls I keep with me are the type of people I wanna have fun with. I don't have a purpose for getting married to them; I don't even wanna get married maybe it's because I haven't found one.

I brought out my luggage and put some clothes in it. Dad won't let me take his private jet even though he has six and I can't steal his keys either so I've got to wake up very early.

I sighed.

Tomorrow will be a long day.

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