Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chapter Thirty-Four

"Derek!" I wrapped my arms around him. Thankfully, he had been let go and so has Uncle Chris. A few things have happened since yesterday, well, one being that Stiles' has escaped from the Eichen House. The Nogitsune has taken over his body. And then well my family has been released from jail as well.

I pulled away from Derek, smiling as he released his arms around me. "Hey, Addison," he breaths out, his smile soon fading as Uncle Chris and Sheriff Stilinski walked into our home. Allison had reunited with her father before we walked into Uncle Chris' office.

"This is everything non-lethal we could find," Allison explained as the non-lethal weapons sat out on Uncle Chris' desk that we all gathered around.

"Take all of it," Uncle Chris stands by her daughter.

"What's the plan here?" Sheriff Stilinski asks. He has asked us to help capture his son and stop him from killing everyone he meets.

"Our best shot right now is for Derek to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House," Uncle Chris begins to explain as Allison puts all the non-lethal weapons into the bag. "Especially if he went through something stressful there."

"Should all five of us be going to the same place?" Sheriff Stilinski asks.

"Where else has Stiles' been showing up?" Uncle Chris questions.

"School, hospital." I list, recalling those moments.

"Okay, hold on," Derek speaks beside me. He stands behind my closely and everyone looked at him. "We did this already. He disappeared. We started looking for him. Then walked right into a trap at the hospital."

I pressed my lips together. Derek's right, we have done all this before. "He's getting us to repeat his same moves," Uncle Chris quickly figured out.

"So, what do we do?" My cousin asks. "Wait for him to come to us?"

"We can't," Derek begins. "Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down."

"Scott's working on them right now with Kira," Sheriff Stilinski reminds us.

"That's the problem," Uncle Chris said. "We're all trying to outfox the fox." Everyone went silent for a moment.

"Listen," Sheriff Stilinski begins. "I'll understand if anyone wants to back out."

"It wouldn't be the first wolf to run from a fox," Derek looked at everyone. He grabbed a weapon from the table and puts it in his duffle bag.

"Apparently, I'm carrying the lightsaber," Uncle Chris joked.

"Dad, you, Addison, and Derek are at the Eichen House," Allison begins. She looked at Sheriff Stilinski. "Sheriff, it's you and me in the hospital. We all meet at school."

I went to follow Sheriff and Allison out of the office, but hesitant when I saw Uncle Chris grab three guns from a box.

Derek noticed this as well. "Making sure you have a few lethal options just in case?" Derek questions, eyeing the gun.

Uncle Chris throws me the gun and I catch it easily, holding the gun in my hand. "I like to prepare for the worse." With that, I hooked up the gun to my belt behind me, I pulled the shirt down over the gun so it's covered.

Now I'm ready.


We barely made it to Eichen House as we had gotten a call from Sheriff Stilinski saying that he was at their house, sitting in his bedroom.

Now, we hover over a game of chess with sticky notes on top them, it was the presentation that Stiles' had shown to Sheriff Stilinski, trying to get Sheriff Stilinski to understand everything.

"What is all this?" Uncle Chris questioned. "What are these sticky notes for?"

"This is what Stiles used to try to explain to me about all of... You," Sheriff Stilinski recalls also and I nodded.

"Maybe it's a message from Stiles," Allison suggests, looking down at the sticky notes. Allison looked up at everyone. "The real Stiles."

I watched as Uncle Chris had picked up a chess piece. "You think there's any reason my name's on the King?" Derek questions, looking at the King player.

"Well," I begin. "You're heavily guarded. Thought I guess the alarming detail is that." I looked up and made eye contact with Derek, my eyes trying not to water. "You're one move from being in checkmate."

"It's not a message from Stiles," Uncle Chris tells us. "Its a threat from the Nogitsune."

"He's at the loft," I quickly said. "That's what he's trying to tell us."

"And he wants us to come there," Uncle Chris made eye contact with me.

"Night's falling." Derek had crossed his arms.

"This couldn't sound any more like a trap," Uncle Chris pointed out.

Sheriff Stilinski shakes his head. "I don't think it is."

"I think your opinion might be slightly biased, Sheriff," Uncle Chris looked at him.

"Hear me out," Sheriff Stilinski quickly said. "What we're dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive. No rhyme, no reason, right?"

"Meaning what?" Uncle Chris shoots back.

"Our enemy is not a killer." Sheriff Stilinski shakes his head. "It's a trickster. The killing is just a by-product."

"If you're trying to say it won't kill us, I'm not feeling too confident about that," my father says beside me.

"It won't," Sheriff Stilinski continued. "It wants irony. It wants to play a trick; it wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punch line."

"The sun is setting, Sheriff." Uncle Chris stated. I looked out the window for a second before glancing back at the group. Well, he's not wrong. "What do you have in mind?"


Sorry for the short chapter!

I've official finished season 3, and I'm crying at my own work... There's like 8 more chapters to go for this book.

Thank you so much for 12K this is insane! TBH I didn't expect people to still be reading teen wolf nowadays.

Love y'all so much, see you tomorrow! x o x o x o ! — El

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