Make You Feel My Love.

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A/N: Okay PLEASEEEEEEE When the song in this chapter is being sung... Relate the words Harry sings to how he acts, and relate the words that Cherry sings to how she acts and her life.. IT WILL CHANGE THE WHOLE SONG I PROMISE!


"Your hair kind of smells like apples." I tell him, and he laughs against my chest, his head resting there.

    "Thank you." He mumbles, and I continue to running my hands through his hair. Silence washes over us as he cuddles himself to me. I think back to earlier, and I've been thinking about it since he told me he wanted to talk to me about himself. "You know I can tell when you're thinking... You heart speeds up a lot.." He mumbles, and I smile.

    "I'm thinking about you..." I tell him honestly.

    "I've been trying to think about how to talk to you... How to do it in the right way." He tells me softly, and I feel my heart speed up again, knowing he's hearing it.

    "There's no right way to do it... You just talk." I tell him.

    "I'm not good at just talking." He tells me softly. I just sit quietly, letting him have his time, letting him do whatever he needs to prepare himself. "Her name is Alyssa... We met at some event a long long time ago... We lost contact, and then came back together months ago, and I jumped the gun... We started dating, and I was fresh out of the band, and felt a sort of freedom to do whatever I wanted so I did it, and.. And it was a mistake. She was a mistake." He tells me outwardly, and I don't say anything, just let him talk.

    "She's the kind of person who does everything for show.. That's all I was, a show... A sort of eye candy to parade around. I looked past it though... Everyone around me told me to get out before it was too late, but I thought it was the same as in the band... People wanting to control me, and every aspect of my life, but they were just trying to look out for me. You know she cheated, but she had been cheating the entire time. Probably since the day we started dating... I found out through mutual friends, and she outwardly admitted it too. I wouldn't say I loved her... I wouldn't say I've been in love with anyone. No one's been in love with me either... Meeting people, and making connections is really hard to do in a life like this... You never know what's real and what's not." He tells me, and I nod.

    "You never know who to trust..." I mumble.

    "Exactly...Intentions are never clear... I told you that I broke up with her after I found out what she did. I told you she continued to try and make things work but I wouldn't have it. I saw her that Monday, right before we went to your special spot... I told her that I had no hard feelings, and that everything was fine, I just needed to be better for myself, and focus on the album, she told me she understood... That's where you come into this... I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't thankful that you don't look into tabloids and social media much.... But I knew you were bound to find things out anyways even without that."

    "What do you mean that's where I come in?" I ask, and he sits himself up, causing me to sit up too.

    "I guess she had seen us together, seen pictures, and things like that online, and she had a meltdown about it... She called me a liar, saying I wasn't focused on the album. She even accused me of cheating on her because it was so sudden me being seen with someone completely new, and random.. Someone no one really knows much about. Even though you're not, it looked like you had been a huge secret I was trying to keep." He tells me, and I start piecing things together in my head.

    "So I met with her again.." He tells me, and I furrow my brows. I didn't know about this... "I told her that I was seeing someone else, and that I was happy, and that I never cheated on her... I wouldn't do that to someone, I know what it feels like. She wouldn't have any of it.. Wouldn't listen, wouldn't talk to me, and I felt horrible. She was hurt by my actions even though I didn't really do anything wrong... After seeing our pictures from last night when we went out she wasn't thrilled with them... She's come out with a story, and your picture is tied to it, and I didn't want that... That was the last thing I wanted, and this morning when you heard my conversation Jeffrey had been suggesting a push back on this, between us. Not that we should stop what's happening but that we needed to be a little bit more careful with it." He tells me, and I nod.

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