part twenty one

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hannah's pov

a week had gone by and i had been hanging out more and more with the pogues. i was getting to know each of them a lot better, their habits, likes and dislikes, their quirks.

i hadn't hung out with jj alone since we had surfed that one night and it almost seemed as if he was avoiding doing so, i wasn't sure why.

he hadn't mentioned anything to me about the almost-kiss that happened and after all i was the one that asked if we could be friends. i don't think he saw us being anything more and at this point i was just happy to be able to hang out with him and kiara and pope, so i didn't want to ruin it by making things awkward.

however, i had now ended up alone at jj's house with him and he was acting all weird and jittery.

kiara and pope were supposed to meet us but it started to rain really hard so they weren't going to come over until it stopped.

"why am i not surprised that you don't have anything other than beer in your fridge," i said.

he just chuckled and shrugged as i looked back into the fridge and closed it with a huff after realizing food would not magically appear each time i opened it.

i then turned my attention back to jj who looked extremely lost in his thoughts.

"are you okay?" i asked, "you seem really quiet today."

"'m fine," he replied, brushing off my comment. i didn't want to pry so i just walked over and sat down on the couch.

"does it always rain this much here? i really thought i'd get a break from tropical storms when i moved," i chuckled.

jj just shrugged and smiled at me before looking back out the window, his brows furrowed in concentration.

"fishing will be great tomorrow though, right?" i asked, remembering how much the boy enjoyed the activity.

"mhm" he agreed, still seeming like he was in a completely other world.

"i was thinking maybe we could go get food at the wreck tomorrow and then go out on my boat for a change, you know only if you guys are up to it. and we could...jj are you listening to me?" i said, suddenly realizing the boy had been paying no attention at all.

"what? yeah, yeah i was just-" he began.

i stood up from the couch and walked over to him, "what's going on?"

"nothing's going on," he said, attempting to dismiss my concern.

"something's going on, i can tell," i continued, "jj -"

"just drop it hannah,"he muttered.

"jj you can talk to me-"

"i said drop it," he growled. i took a step back at his sudden increase in volume and he took this as an opportunity to step out of his chair.

the blonde stalked over to the other side of the room dismissively. i could tell he was trying to pay attention to anything other than me but his eyes kept trailing back to mine.

"i thought we were done with the secrets," i said quietly, looking at him with concerned eyes.

he didn't say a word, as he stared motionlessly straight ahead. he was doing that thing where i could just tell he was overthinking.

i watched his gaze land on the door and even though it was pouring outside i knew what he was about to do.

he walked over to it pushing it open, immediately getting soaked but continuing to walk away towards the dock.

"what are you doing?!"

i didn't understand his sudden outburst and typically one would think that giving him some space and leaving him alone would help him figure this out. however, even though i had known him for such a short amount of time, i was beginning to figure him out.

i knew he would enter into a dark place where he would have to battle his thoughts, whatever was going through his mind at the moment, and i didn't want him to have to do that alone.

"go back inside," he shouted. i noticed how his muscles tensed in his back that was turned towards me.

"not until you tell me what's going on," i yelled as the noise of the rain splattering against the ground and chateau was making it hard to hear anything . i continued to stand there, waiting for him to say or do something but all i got in return was silence.

he ran a hand through his hair before suddenly turning around, revealing his pain stricken face. it looked as if he was conflicted, like he was deciding on something.

"jj come on please-" i began.

"fine, you want to know my truth," he said, loudly so that i could hear him from his far distance.

"yes jj i-" and suddenly, after three quick strides forward, the blonde boy crashed his lips onto mine.

holy shit.

i was shocked at first, with the boy's lips on mine, but soon let my mouth move in rhythm with his.

when we both pulled away for the first time, out of breath, i looked up into his wild eyes. his irises, full of passion and hunger, also looked nervous. like he had done something wrong.

"hannah i-"

"shut up," i said before cupping his face with my hands and bringing his lips down to mine, connecting them again.

i wasn't focusing on the rain pouring down around us, or the fact that i was completely drenched from head to toe and that my shoes were soggy.

i could only focus on the fact that i was finally kissing the boy who gave me butterflies in my stomach, and who trusted me with his secrets. who practically hated me two weeks ago, but had since shown me who he really was.

i couldn't help but think, as he ran his hands through my hair and his tongue danced with my own, what this would mean for us moving forward.

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