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Chapter 10

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Tinboy Blue didn't waste any time in flushing out the Ellvanir. There weren't many light shafts left in the meadow, so it didn't have a lot of escape options. It seemed to know that as well, for it wove around them in a fit of rage, dive bombing whoever was closest.

Awesome Dude and Jolly Jenius had no trouble avoiding its attacks. Their agility was high enough that evading it was a cakewalk for them as long as they paid attention. As they settled into a rhythm of attack, dodge, attack, Severance began to realize why both Shades were sent on this quest.

Ellvanir didn't seem that strong, but a single strike from it could one-shot a player. In Tinboy Blue's case, he lost roughly half his health each time. But that was why Severance was there.

"Mend," he murmured, sending a healing breeze towards their tank. Then he thrust a closed fan skyward. "Sky Dance."

The gentle winds morphed into an electrical storm, blue crackling energy dancing around his fans. A few sparks blinked around his feet as well, though he hardly noticed. Since he didn't dare get too close to the creature, he'd settle for contributing from a safe distance.

"Flare," he said. Instantly, thunder rolled overhead, the skies darkening, and then a bolt of molten blue energy shot from the sky. It broke upon impact, scattering electrical shocks over the bird's translucent plumage.

Shrieking, the Ellvanir propelled itself with two great wing strokes, beelining towards another light shaft.

"Hey! Stop, you—oh crap. Rush!" Awesome Dude blurred, moving at impossible speeds in a straight line to the Ellvanir's side.

The creature cried in rage, but before it could react, Awesome Dude continued, stringing together a chain of attacks that had him bounding from one side of the Ellvanir to the other. Its head swivelled on its long neck, trying to track his movements so it could strike.

"Rush!" Jolly Jenius mirrored Awesome Dude's move, streaking across the meadow to reach the Ellvanir. The two of them unleashed a flurry of attacks, while Tinboy Blue jogged over to join them.

Severance wasn't about to be outdone. "Flare!"

With one fan closed and the other snapped open, he cast one Flare after another, creating a steady roll of thunder overheard. Electrical bolts fell from the heavens, bursting apart on the Ellvanir's struggling form. It cast a flash of blue light over the area, glinting off weapons and shading faces in pale light. Severance smiled. The skill was undeniably cool and flashy in all the right ways.

With a final, mournful cry, the Ellvanir dropped to the ground. Almost before it grew still, violet motes of light began to form upon its body.

Severance shifted both his fans into one hand, then walked over to join the others. Together, they looked down at the remains of the Ellvanir. It glowed purple, slowly disintegrating into little sparkles that began to lift into the sky.

"Nice work, everyone!" Awesome Dude gave Tinboy Blue a friendly punch to the shoulder. "That was a lot easier than I thought it'd be."

Tinboy Blue smirked. "It's just some bird. No big deal."

"Heh. We're an awesome team." Grinning, Awesome Dude went to give Jolly Jenius his usual affectionate gesture of a punch, but the big guy easily sidestepped. He looked like he was deep in thought.

The last of the Ellvanir finally disintegrated into death sparkles, creating a little flurry of violet stars that spun up into the sky. All that remained of the boss were two shimmering bundles of material, and a silver crystal in the shape of a perfect teardrop.

"Sweet!" Awesome Dude bent down and gathered them up before anyone could even think to move. "This is what we were looking for!"

"Great," Tinboy Blue didn't seem nearly as excited. In fact, he appeared almost bored.

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