Chapter 27

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I think it was safe to say that Leo and I had feelings for each other.

It was coming up past 11 o' clock when we finally decided to leave the park. We spent our time on the driest patch of grass we could find and just talked. We avoided the topic of our current situation and just focused on each other.

I started talking about my family a bit more, how we grew up and how my parents pretty much ditched us to live their own lives. Leo opened up about his past a little bit more which gave me a bit more of an insight into why he acted the way he did.

From bad schools to even a foster home at one point, it made me respect and care for Leo even more than I did before.

It wasn't until we made it off the grass that I remembered about my window predicament.

"Ah, that does sound like a problem." Leo replied when I explained what had happened. I mean, luckily it was a Friday so we didn't have school tomorrow and I knew that my brother was going to throw some sort of party just to annoy me.

"I mean if you could give me a boost up I might be able to wiggle it open but my window does have the tendency to stick every now and then." I added, just to add more to the problem.

"Well you can always stay at mine? My Mum is at a conference for the school so she's away for the weekend." Leo offered and I was wondering if he was going to offer his place.

I didn't suggest it just because of the sheer fact that I thought his Mum was going to be there.

Another part of me was obviously nervous. I know I've stayed at Leo's before, but it was different between us now. I didn't want any... funny business to happen.

I may have had a little bit of experience in the sex department with my ex but I never went all the way. Still a virgin unlike half of the girls in my year.

"If that's ok with you? I don't wanna impose or anything." I knew he was going to insist but I didn't want him to feel like he has to let me stay.

"Of course," He randomly stopped walking and casually slipped his hand into mine "Besides, if you don't feel comfortable, I'll sleep in the guest room."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his tone of voice. He had practically read my mind.

"Ha ha, very funny." I felt my pulse leap from the connection in our hands and appreciated the warmth that spread through me.

And with that, we started making our way to Leo's which was only a 15 minute walk from the park.

Again, we kept up casual conversation until we were faced with the familiar flowers that covered Leo's house. I envied the building in front of me, wishing I could own something even half as beautiful.

"You want to watch a film or something?" Leo asked as I plonked myself down on his bed. Like the last time I was here, everything was immaculately clean and organised. Nothing like Harvey's pit of a room.

I shrugged my shoulders, slipping my converse off my feet and tucking them under the bed so no one would trip on them.

"I don't mind, just nothing scary please." I replied and Leo raised an eyebrow. He was shrugging off his jacket and hung it on the back of his bedroom door and carelessly kicked off his combat boots.

"Not a fan of scary films?" He pondered and I almost regretted saying anything. It was always such a clichè thing for a guy to want to watch a scary movie.

"It's the paranormal ones I don't like. Give me a classic slasher any day."

Leo looked like he was making up his mind about something before digging into his bedside cabinet. He pulled out a small camera and his phone along with it.

Plugging his phone into the camera with a cable, he placed the camera facing up towards the ceiling and sat down next to me on the bed.

What was he doing?

After a few moments of typing something into his phone, he places it on the cabinet and went back into it, pulling out a t-shirt.

"Here, if you don't want to sleep in your clothes." He offered and I nodded.

Taking the opportunity to go to the toilet as well, I quickly changed into the top.

Since it was large enough to cover over my body, I slipped my jeans off along with my jumper and folded them up.

When I made my way back into Leo's room, I finally realised what he was doing.

It wasn't a camera he was playing with, but a mini projector.

The screen was blasted onto the white ceiling and had the beginning of Friday the 13th as the paused image.

Leo had also got changed. He was lying shirtless on his bed, only wearing a pair of boxers.

I couldn't help but blush as the sight and put it to the back of my mind the best I could as I joined him in the bed.

Like the last time I was here, I lay closest to the wall and had Leo on my left.

"Comfy?" Leo questioned and I nodded my head. No idea why I was finding it hard to speak...

Before Leo played the movie, he reached to his bedside light and turned it off, so the only light that was being produced was from the projector.

The movie began to play and I couldn't help but feel awkward how we were both just lying like planks staring at the movie playing above us.

It seems like Leo was reading my mind as a few moments after, the arm that was closest to me snakes underneath my neck so I was leaning on it.

A smile I couldn't hide spread onto my lips and I relaxed a bit more into the situation I had found myself in.

As much as I enjoyed the film that was playing and how it was one of my favourites, I couldn't concentrate on the classic.

I could hear my own heart beating from how intimate this was making me feel.

Glancing to my left, I was surprised to see Leo just staring at me.

"Something wrong?" I whispered. I could just make out his facial features which only made my heart race just that little bit more.

Leo didn't speak a word, just reached his head forward so he could place his lips on mine. Every time we kissed, it felt like the first time all over again.

The same explosion of butterflies made themselves known in my stomach and heated my body more and more.

Leo's free hand went to my face, caressing my cheek ever so delicately. His other arm pulled me closer to him so my body turned and was lying on him slightly.

My leg was draped over his and I could feel his leg hairs prickling my skin.

I felt completely lost in the moment, the movie in the background just sounded like white noise and I never wanted this moment to end.

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