Chapter 22

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I Constantly Thank God For Esteban - Panic! At The Disco


The two groups of wolves clashed together in a spray of blood as they bit into each other's necks. 

My father and I circled each other in our wolf forms. 

Watching him like this reminded me of when his claws dug deep in my throat.

I blinked and shook my head, hoping the memory of the pain I felt would go away.

Can't just shake off trauma though.

I blinked and a shifted Jack was behind me. Remember how I said that he was loyal to a fault?

This is what I meant. No matter how he acts, he would die for me.

I growled and snapped at him with my sharp teeth. He couldn't be here. It was an official challenge. If Jack steeped in, it violated the rules of the challenge, and I could be attacked by any random wolf while having to fight my father.

He knew what I meant. He ran off to fight with his warriors. 

He wouldn't let me die alone, and he wouldn't let them die alone either. 

I loved him for it. 

I faced my father.

He jumped at me. I barely dodged his attack. 

I lunged at him. He tried to move away, but I was faster than he expected. I bit his leg and dragged my teeth down it. 

My father howled. I ripped the skin clean off his leg.

He was bleeding profusely. He limped. 

A normal Alpha wolf would go straight for the throat. No doubt that was what he expected me to do. But no, I just needed to cause him to lose blood and weaken. 

What I really needed was a chance at winning.

I had been lying to myself. I wanted to live. 

For Aaron, Nate, Jack, even Aiden. And who would remember my mother if I died?

I. Wanted. To. Live. 

I had never let myself imagine a future for myself before. 

Whether or not I was in the people I loved futures, I had to make sure my father wasn't.

I jumped at my father again. I put everything I had into fighting him. He had to die. I needed to live. 

His leg had slowly begun to knit itself back together. I had to cause more damage or he would be fine in no time.

I growled at him as if saying, "Come at me."

I was much better at defense than offense. My offense was still unparalleled though. Or at least it was when I still thought my dad was dead.

What made my dad such a fantastic Alpha wasn't his political skills. My mom handled that stuff. It was his ability to fight.

He trained his own wolves even though it wasn't typically the Alpha's job. 

He wanted our pack to be the strongest. And it was.

We had never before been challenged. As long as my father and grandfather had ruled, we never had gotten attacked. 

 Until that horrible day. My mother had just given me the sword I requested. 

I knew that physically I wouldn't be as strong as the adult wolves for a few more years, so I asked him for a sword so that no one would challenge me and my skills. 

Raiden had right about one thing. I would've made a fantastic Alpha. (A/N Raiden was her kidnapper and r*pist) 

I will be a fantastic Alpha, once I kill my father and become victorious.

I lashed out with my claws, but he managed to dodge my blow almost completely. The wound he got was only superficial. It hardly bled at all. 

He snapped at me, changing tactics. Before he threw his whole body into it, now he was being more careful, less self-destructive.

He was being smart. Smart is bad.

I tuned in to the world around me. 

I heard howling and the pained screeches of dying wolves all around me.

I wanted to help them, but I couldn't. Not until this fight was over. 

People die in battle. I had to stay focused.

I kicked dirt in my father's face. I needed a moment to think about what my next move should be. 

I can't just dive in without thinking.

The dust didn't seem to slow him down much. He just got a lot angrier. I should've thought that through too. 

I wish I had more time to prepare. I wish I trained instead of just strategizing. Look at how much good that strategizing is doing me right now. 

Absolutely none. Ugh.

I continued to wait for him to jump at me, taunting him the entire time. Not smart, but what other option did I have?

I faked him out again, making him think I was going for his throat, but I twisted in mid-air and bit into his stomach. It wasn't as deep as I would've liked, but it'll do for now.

He couldn't come at me without tearing his wound even more.  

I jumped away again, but not before he bit a chunk out of my leg.

I walked away from him slowly, but I was stopped by a structure. It was a fountain. Dammit.  

He walked towards me. It almost seemed like he was smiling. In a sadistic sort of way. 

He had me backed into a corner. 

I had no moves left. 

My paw slipped on a piece of fabric as I tried to move away. My clothes. Sure they were shredded, but I had a knife hidden in my waistband. 

Can't shred metal. Well, not by shifting at least.  

He jumped at me, completely ignoring his gash, attempting to finish me off. I shifted back into my human form. 

I grabbed the dagger and stabbed it into his throat. 

He fell on top of me, but he couldn't harm me. He was alive, but barely and his body was paralyzed. 

I stood there and watched as he breathed his last. 

I won. I couldn't believe I had actually bested him. 

I smiled. A genuine smile. 

I felt a horrible pain in my abdomen. I looked down and saw claws protruding from my stomach. 

They moved up toward my heart. 

I heard the voice of Raiden. "You may have won the challenge, but you still can't protect yourself it seems."

He stopped his claws without damaging my heart and threw me on the ground. 

I would bleed out within minutes.

In the end, I didn't win.


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