48 Spoilt Brat

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Arnav was lying on Khushi's chest as usual, after getting relaxed. Though he got relaxed his breath was uneven. So was Khushi's. Arnav raised his head and looked at her face which was full of sweating. He wiped her face and applied her sweat on his cheek.

Khushi (chuckled): What are you doing?

Arnav: Anointment... with precious scent.

Khushi: Ohh...

Flipping him underneath her, she caressed her face with his, passing a shock on his body. Making him close his eyes. She read his face who was panting hard. She pecked his lips softly and made him open his eyes. Flipping her beneath him, he put a demand in front of her.

Arnav: Let's go to another session.

Khushi: Haannnn....

She dropped her jaw.

Arnav: you have provoked an innocent soul again.

Khushi: Innocent soul and you?

Arnav: Am I not?

Khushi: I just reciprocated you...

Arnav: That's what provoked me. Your one step of LOVE makes me weak, no matter how many times we made love. I want it again and again.

Khushi: What about me? How could I stand?

Arnav: Am I that hard to handle or what?

Khushi bit her lips. Arnav lifted her chin and asked her raising his brows.

Arnav: Am I?

Khushi closed her face with her palms blushing.

Arnav (whispering): Answer me. Am I not handling you softly?

He asked her letting his lips touch her ear. Khushi flinched feeling his hot breath.

Arnav: You just keep blushing and let me do what I want.

He pulled her hands from her face and tried to capture her lips. Khushi closed his mouth by her palm.

Khushi: You should not do it to a SMALL GIRL.

She said controlling her smile, remembering him about his own words SMALL GIRL.

Arnav looked here and there and asked,

Arnav: Small girl? Who is she?

Khushi: The one; who is beneath you.

Arnav: You don't have to bother about her... she is not a small girl like I thought. She is very talented you know?

Khushi: Really?

She blinked her eyes.

Arnav: Yeah... Do you know what she did?

Khushi: What?

Arnav: There was a guy who never thought of a woman. He had not even had an interest in girls those who voluntarily fell on him.

Khushi: Ohhh...

Arnav: But that girl made him FLAT you know?

Khushi: Really?

Arnav: Yeah... she easily turns his hormones ON. And, she is the only girl who he always wants to touch.

He said caressing her cheek.

Khushi (panting hard): So...?

Arnav: So, let him touch her.

Before she stopped him by asking another question, he stopped her, starting kissing her.

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