Chapter 17

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this. There's a lot in this chapter.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Once both parties of a soulmate bond are marked, they can't be away from each other for long. Two days is the limit, otherwise they'll be in physical pain. The female's heat cycle also starts its rotation.


   Jimin's eyes shot open. He looked around; he was in an unfamiliar place. He sat up. Where was he?

   All of a sudden, last nights events flash through him. Y/N! Where was she? Jimin tried getting up, but there were IV's holding him down. He must be in a hospital. He lifted the hospital gown up and noticed a bandage wrapped around his torso. Had he really hurt himself that bad?

   Jimin hopped out of the hospital bed after disconnecting the IV wires. He needed to get to Y/N, he needed to see if she was okay. Jimin grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt before slipping them on. He was trudging his way painfully to the door when it opens, revealing all of his members.

   "Jimin! You're up?" asks Hoseok.

   "Yes. Where'a Y/N? Is she awake?" Jimin worriedly asks.

   "Yes, she's fine, but you need to--" Jimin, not bothered to listen to the rest of Jin's lecturing, runs out of the room. He ignores the pain in his abdomen from the cut and the stab and runs past all of the doors, trying to find Y/N's name.

   Finally, he finds her name tag on a door at the very end of the long hallway. Jimin throws the door open to see Y/N sitting up in her bed and looking around, just as he had been moments before. He makes eye contact with her and could feel his eyes watering.

   A huge weight lifts off of Jimin.

   She's awake. She's alive.

Your POV

   You slowly start to panic after you wake up in an unfamiliar environment. You sit up and look around, recognizing the layout as a hospital room. But why. . ?

   Your memory of the previous events smack you in the face. You were almost raped! You shiver at the thought.

   Then, all of a sudden, the door in front of you slams open. Looking straight ahead, you see Jimin staring at you.

   Tears fill in both of your eyes. Jimin sprinted at you and threw himself onto the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You place your arms around his neck and sob into his shoulder. You hear sniffles that aren't your own; you knew he must be crying too.

   "I was so scared," you cried. "They were going to rape me! I wasn't strong enough to fight them off, not even in my hybrid form! I'm so terrible." Jimin shakes his head.

   "I thought I was going to lose you," Jimin sobbed. "You looked so weak when I held you. You were hurt because of my stupidity!"

   "No, Chimmy." You shake your head this time on his shoulder. "None of this is your fault."

   "I felt your fear!" Jimin wailed. You could feel his nails digging into your back, but you didn't care. "I felt your fear, but I ignored it! I pushed it away!"

   You pulled away from the hug and got a good look at your soulmate. Tears were streaming down his face; he looked so vulnerable. "It's not your fault, honey. . ." More tears started building in your eyes.

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