Chapter 6

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Anna's POV:-

The next morning I woke up early because I knew it will take time to cover up all the bruises.

It is hard to cover the handprint on my cheeks. I used a lot of foundation.

I gave myself a last look and got ready for the day. I hurried out of that house before anyone could wake up. I didn't want to interact with anyone in the morning.

On the way to my school, there is a park, no one was there so I waited there for the remaining time.

In about 45 minutes, it's time for school. I took time to reach there because 30 minutes are remaining and it's not even 10 minutes route to school.

As I reached the main gate of the school, I saw him. I was prepared to get attacked by him today also but to my surprise, he didn't pay any attention to me. When I walk passed by him, he didn't say a word, he just started walking behind me. I was about to ask him what he is doing? But he answered before I could."I still don't remember the rooms so I'll just follow you. I will not talk to you." He sounded a little angry. I didn't say anything and started with our class.

We are now seat-mates so he sat beside me. As the teacher entered we all greeted him, but of course he.

He looks like a black prince. He wore only black clothes, his hairs are black, with dark chocolaty eyes. He looks mysterious, dangerous, and sexy at the same time. There is no doubt that many girls will fall for him if they already not.

I didn't notice that I'm staring at him. Until he flicked at my forehead.
"Ouch, what the hell? Why did you do that?" I asked angrily.
"You were the one who was drilling a hole in my face with your continuous stare." He replied.
"I was not staring. I was just observing you?" It came out more like a question.
"And that's anyhow good. Am I a lab rat to you? That you need to observe me?" He asked.
"I....I..didn't I didn't mean that. I mean I was looking...." I stuttered. He laughed loudly. The teacher turned to look at us. I'm going to get punished again.

"You two, get out of my class." The teacher roared. Before I could apologize to the teacher, Xavier took my hand and dragged me out of the classroom.

"Are you out of your mind? We should go and apologize to the teacher. I will get hit again because of you." as I said that he halted. He suddenly turned to me and asked."What did you say? Get hit again? Who hit you? Tell me right now."
"Please leave this. What I'm saying is I will get in trouble if I skipped the class like this." I tried to cover.
" Let's just go back to the class. I'll apologize if you don't want to." I tried to drag him but that was impossible for my little body.
"I have an idea." He said excitedly. "No," I said straight away.
"But you didn't even hear it." he complains.
"By the look in your eyes, it can't be a good one," I replied.
"No. It's good. Why don't I take you to the medical room? If your parents get angry over it you can say that you were feeling sick but the teacher thought that you are misbehaving. What you say?" He didn't even hear my opinion on this and dragged me towards the medical room. I don't know how he knows the direction because he didn't even know the direction of our classes.

Or is he lying about not knowing the direction?

We entered the room. He told the nurse that I'm feeling dizzy. He was holding me close to him.

The nurse told me to lay down a little, and if I felt like vomiting then she will me IV.

She left the room and went to her office. Xavier sat beside me. He said something to the nurse which made her blush and she let him stay with me.
"What did you said to her?" I asked he didn't reply.
I took this time to rest a little I didn't know when I dozed off.

I felt a light touch on my cheeks and then it moved to my forehead. I don't know who is that.

I felt a sharp pain on the side of my forehead. Then I remembered the wound from yesterday.

"So you did get hit by someone. Who was that" I opened my eyes a little.
I surely was in a daze because I answered that question truthfully. "My aunt."

"Why?" He asked. He sounded in pain.

But why would he? I was the one who got hurt.

"Because of yesterday, she got a call from school and my cousins said that I was slutting around with you." I replied. Without my permission tears started to fall down my eyes.

"Hey love, it's ok. I'm here. Shhhh, please stop crying. I really don't know how to comfort someone." He sounds a little worried.

" I'm alright." I smiled a little.

"Why do you live with your aunt? Where are your parents? Are they living in some other state?" He asked after some time.

"They died some years ago. In a car accident." I replied. I feel numb whenever I talk about them. I usually don't have any friends to talk to but if sometimes I talk, I try to avoid this topic.

He didn't say anything. I think he knew I don't want to hear anything right now. He just took my hand in his and put his forehead on mine. This was his way to say that it's ok. That he is here.

This is the closest I ever get to any guy in my whole life. My heart was pacing very fast. At least it made me forget about the pain.

we stayed like this for some time. Suddenly he removed himself from near me and started to pace back and forth in front of me.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Why are you living with them, when they treat you like this?" He was so angry.
"Where would I go? I have no other relatives who can take me in. You want me to go to an orphanage." I asked.

"I think of all the possibilities but I found nothing. So my last solution is to stay there until I became 18 and then I'll find my own accommodation and all." This is what I want to do now.

"I'll find a good place for you." He smiled. But until then I have to do something about your aunt and her family." He said.

He seemed very dangerous saying that. I don't know what he is thinking but I don't want any of this. So I said. " No, you will do nothing. They are my family, I don't want you to trouble them or get in trouble yourself." I said firmly.

"Okay, Okay." He replied but I had a feeling that he is lying, he is up to something. But I'll deal with it later. right now I'm very sleepy.

I closed my eyes with Xavier's one hand in mine and with the other, he was combing my hair. It was soothing and I drifted into nothingness.


Hello dear. This was today's chapter. Hope you like it. If you do then please please please review it.

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