Chapter 7: Finn

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[REVISED - 6/6/2022]

There's a time limit on how long you can hug someone at a pizza parlor. I realize this when Andy coughs awkwardly and says, "Finn, I love you, but you're making things weird."

"Aw, jeez," I say, letting her go. "Now I feel like that embarrassing grandparent who pinches your cheeks and talks about how they used to change your diapers."

"Please don't." Andy grins at me, and it strikes me how much I've truly missed her. Six years. I haven't seen Andy and Oliver in six years! The last time I saw the siblings, I was just a scrawny kid with braces. Now, Andy looks stylish as ever with her bobbed hair and Dunhill glasses, and Oliver towers over me in his red Air Jordans. "We have so much to catch up on," she continues, voicing my thoughts. "Are you staying at Floyd's ranch?"

"Not yet. My family is crashing at the Super 8 until he finishes renovating the guest rooms. We can hang out at the motel if you want, though it might be a little crowded. Trust me, I have a lot to tell you --"

Ronan leans in closer to murmur, "Are you sure you want to bring up you-know-what around your mother?"

"Which you-know-what are we discussing?"

"The Lightlake you-know-what, moron."

"Oh. I thought we were talking about the other you-know-what."

"What other you-know-what?"

"The you-know-what we promised never to discuss!"

"Oh. That you-know-what. Why would I want to talk about that?"

Andy nudges me in the ribs, and I nearly jump out of my shoes. "What are you two conspiring about?"

"Nothing," I say automatically. "We weren't conspiring about anything."

"Okay. I don't believe you, but okay. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

"Oh, yeah. I kinda forgot to do that..." I glance over at Ronan. He's rolling his eyes. "Ronan, meet Andy and Oliver. Andy and Oliver, meet Ronan. He's from New York City, isn't that cool? We met last year at summer camp for... well, it's kind of a long story. Do you want to go to your house instead? Joyce could make us her famous banana bread."

Oliver shakes his head in warning, but it's too late. Andy is already scowling. "Joyce doesn't make banana bread anymore. She's on a strict no-carbs diet." Her tone makes it clear how she feels about her stepmom's eating habits. "Also, I got in a huge fight with her yesterday, so I'm laying low until things blow over. Let's go somewhere else."

"Gee, that's helpful," Ronan says. "Where else are we gonna go, Finn's broken-down pioneer wagon in the desert?" 

I know he's being sarcastic (when is Ronan not being sarcastic?), but still... "You know, that's not a half-bad idea."


By the time we arrive at the RV, the sun is dipping low on the horizon, sending the temperature into the low-fifties and goosebumps scattering across my forearms. The summer air smells like sagebrush and creosote flowers and a million other things I missed in Indiana. It's a beautiful sunset, and the perfect ending to a perfect day.

I dig the lawn chairs out of storage and arrange them in a circle in front of the RV. There's six of us now, because Andy decided to invite Pizza Waitress, also known as Talia, and we had to pick up Ricky, the golden retriever Andy is looking after until her neighbors get back from Reno. I'm not complaining -- Ricky is adorable, and Talia managed to sneak two packs of wine coolers out of Sorrento's, as well as a box of garlic bread that smells so good, it makes my mouth (and the dog's) water.

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