Chapter 38

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Your POV:

I locked the door and threw my bra off, because that is literal embodiment of satan as a clothing article and dropped my pants.

The poofy white top Taehyung gave me came up to a little above the mid-thigh point, I should be safe if one of them somehow come barreling through the walls.

With them nothing can be ruled out.

I sift through my closet, trying to find a towel. It's so weird to be back here after everything that went down, nevertheless it's great to finally have a certain kind of routine back in my life.

A little bit of context on what I can expect each day rather than the plan constantly being not dying and make sure the 7 of them don't die either.

I'll have to run over to the towns 'grocery store' and snag up things like toothbrushes and ...razors? Guys need that for their faces right?

All their faces are starting to look a little stubbly.

They'll be BeardTS instead of bts at this rate.

I snorted at my own joke.

Oh no, Jins dad jokes are rubbing off on me.

I snatch the towel and headed to my bathroom but just as I reached for the doorknob, theres a flushing noise on the other side. I pause in place ....who?

No need to think, the door whipped open and abs.

More specifically pecs. I came face to face with very muscular man tits.


He stood there with his mouth gaping open and close like a fish before realising the situation

Like before, his arms scramble to cover himself and he backs away

and just like before .....woah the dude is ripped.

I made no efforts to move and just shamelessly took it all in, cause damn who wouldn't?

A weird half laugh mixed with a whimper resonated from him when he stepped a little too harshly on that cut foot. His nose scrunched up and he gripped onto his thighs.

"Sit down," I pointed to the toilet.

Its simple instruction really. Rest for a few days and he'll be back to optimum health but he keeps on pushing himself to walk thus just delaying recovery time over and over again.

Thank god the toilet seat cover is down, atleast I won't need to worry about him falling and getting stuck in the toilet.

"Why are ..." I get distracted by the way the veins on his neck prominently showed themselves as he tensed up under my gaze.

"(Y/n)?" He called out, waving a hand in my face.

Oh right, he's not a painting.

"Where is your shirt?" I couldn't see the  white cotton bundle anywhere, and judging from how dry his skin and my bathroom floor were I doubt he showered.

He looked down at his own exposed torso then back at me, wide-eyed and lower lip jutted out slightly. "Not here," don't say.

I reach for the vanity drawers only to retract my hand instantaneously.

"Ahh f*ck," I breathlessly gasped, gripping my left elbow. I ignored it for too long, almost every sudden movement caused a line of fire to sear in every direction from my shoulder.

For a split second when my feet left the ground, I thought the pain finally drove me over the edge. Im full on hallucinating.

Only when I felt a hand on my thigh did my brain begin registering the situation. I am very much in the air but not because I'm going bonkers, it's Jungkook.

The Apocalypse Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora