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Harley's POV

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Harley's POV

"Avery, it's almost 12; my dad is going to murder me if I'm not back by 1." I groaned, tugging at her lace sleeve as she sipped on a suspicious liquid in a red solo cup.

"We still have time." She said, waving me off and flipping her long golden blonde hair over her shoulders.

"It's an hour drive back to the Heights. You know that." I said, slightly agitated at her carefree attitude. Avery dragged me to this distasteful party close to Vineyard estate--an hour outside of Albuquerque--despite my constant protest to just stay in and watch a movie. 

"Just spend the night at my house. I only live 2 minutes away. " she groaned and waved her arms around in frustration.

"I can't. I have to take care of my brother tomorrow morning. I have to be there before he wakes up." I tried not to roll my eyes. 

"I don't want to drive back in your shady neighborhood this late at night." She chuckled humorlessly and took a sip from her drink. My neighborhood was worse than shady so I appreciate the fact that she sugarcoated it for me. 

"Avery, come on. Please." I begged.

"Uh, fine, but you owe me." She said, putting the solo cup down on a random nightstand and walking past the crowds of people with me following close behind.

High school parties. I wished I enjoyed them as much as Avery did, but there are so many things I'd rather be doing than sitting in a random person's house drinking skeptical drinks. The air full of pheromones, and you could just sense the horniness. Bodies gyrated against each other, and wandering hands felt against random female's sacred areas. It was a cease pool, and typically I'd never come, but Avery had begged me.

After all, I don't know why she wanted me to come. She had more friends than I can count so she wouldn't have been alone.

We walked past the trash-littered yard and into Avery's shiny new black BMW her daddy bought for her a couple of weeks ago for Christmas. I went with her to pick it out because she couldn't choose which one she wanted. I wish I had her problems.

"Hurry up and get in," Avery called, making me rush to the passenger seat. As soon as I shut the door, she threw her leather bag in the back and pulled off into the street.

Her neighborhood is beautiful. Every house has a massive gate, and the houses look so luxurious and ginormous. Tall pine trees occupied the sides of the rode and bushes by every gate. I envied Avery a lot for her simple, carefree life, but it's not her fault the way she was born and raised.

She was generous enough to give me rides and buy my dinners and lunches when we went out. Every-time we would go shopping, she offered to buy me clothes and such, but I knew better than to accept her offers. She gave me bags and bags of her old designer clothes she thought were no longer in style. Every time she cleaned her closet out, I got first pick. It was like going on a shopping spree.

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