Get to know Rebecca Sullivan!

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In celebration of Wattpad Books publishing Night Owls and Summer Skies we interviewed the author Rebecca Sullivan! You can buy your copy today wherever books are sold.

Wattpad HQ: Who is your OTP?

Rebecca Sullivan: I think it will always be this couple from a show The 100. Clarke and Lexa or Clexa. No spoilers but . . . I think that's a show you should look for spoilers. I would've loved a spoiler before a certain episode. I'm very glad for the passionate fans and their books and their dedication! The fanbase is what makes it so good!

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite book?

Rebecca Sullivan:I think that changes every day. I have a few but one that's popping into my head right now and recently read is this book called 'A Girl is Half-Formed Thing' by Eimear McBride. It's a heavy read and it took me a while to get through, but it was worth it!

Wattpad HQ: What TV show are you currently obsessed with right now?

Rebecca Sullivan: I'm rewatching Grey's Anatomy. I'm endlessly obsessed with that show. And I'm in the middle of Orphan Black. Both amazing shows. Oh and a show called The Middle. That's an all-time favourite.

Wattpad HQ: What is one app you would not be able to go without using even for just one day?

Rebecca Sullivan: Probably the notes app. You should see the state of it. I'm always jotting down the weirdest reminders and ideas. I never delete any either, so I've got a bunch of random crap from like five years ago still there lol.

Wattpad HQ: Where is your happy place?

Rebecca Sullivan: First place that came to mind was the beach next to my house. Probably a little cliché but it's true.

Wattpad HQ: Can you describe your perfect writing area?

Rebecca Sullivan: Honestly it can be anywhere. I don't have a perfect idea of a writing area. I'm very good out zoning out everything around me. So, I could be on a bus or chilling on a beanbag. Anywhere is good for me!

Wattpad HQ: What motivates you to work hard?

Rebecca Sullivan: Motivation has always been my weakness. If I genuinely don't like something, for example some subjects a few years ago in secondary school, it would be hard to stay motivated. I'm lucky that I enjoyed my college course and that I find real joy in writing. Writing, for me, is purely selfish! And I couldn't be happier about that. I guess if I'm having a good time, and I'll be really motivated.

Wattpad HQ: What makes you laugh the most?

Rebecca Sullivan: Probably my cat being a dramatic weirdo.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favourite animal?

Rebecca Sullivan: I do have an obsession with owls . . . but other than them, I love seals.

Wattpad HQ: What are your hobbies?

Rebecca Sullivan: Oh, you know, writing f/f books, reading them, watching them. I've actually been baking a lot recently. It took me around five goes to get a brownie down, but it was so worth it.

Wattpad HQ: How would your friends describe you?

Rebecca Sullivan: Very, very, very weird.

Wattpad HQ: What is the tallest building you've been to the top in?

Rebecca Sullivan: I don't know. Probably one of my college's towers for a seminar. Or maybe a hotel? Nowhere exciting!

Wattpad HQ: Is your glass half full or half empty?

Rebecca Sullivan: It's halfway. Full stop.

Wattpad HQ: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Rebecca Sullivan: Introverted.

Wattpad HQ: What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Rebecca Sullivan: At Christmas, we always get each other a fluffy set of pajamas and wear them on Christmas Eve. That's what I look forward to every year.

Wattpad HQ: What are your pet peeves?

Rebecca Sullivan: When I go shopping with someone and they don't have a plan and don't know what they want to buy. I only want to go shopping when I know what I want and with a person who does too. Get in and out as quickly as possible. Oh, and I always butter toast and put the knife into the wet sink before I cut the bread, so I always end up using two knives. That's annoying. I could wash the knife... But no thanks.

Wattpad HQ: What is your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Rebecca Sullivan: Pajama weekend with people who don't mind a lazy weekend.

Wattpad HQ: Can you tell us what you're currently writing?

Rebecca Sullivan: I'm focusing right now on a book called 'It's a Pizza Girl Thing'. It's about a pizza delivery girl supporting herself through college. It focuses on her and her journey with a friend from high school as they recover from past relationships, together. 

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