☠ t h i r t e e n ☠

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t h i r t e e n

"Man, I'm sorry." Jake sighed apologetically, swinging an arm around his shoulder to where he was slumped at the table.

"If we knew he was going to react like that we would have never have let you go with Ellen," Mia said across from him, hands placed on top of his.

"Excuse me," Ellen quipped up at the end of the table, head raised from the hand where her elbow was resting on the wood with an annoyed look," this is not my fault. Felix is just freaking stupid and deserves to be punched repeatedly. In the throat."

"He's your best friend," Jake supplied."You do something."

"Yeah, well, I'm beginning to rethink that privilege of his," she huffed, dark lips puffing out,"and I already double punched him in the jugular for being a douche."

Jake blinked."That's... awesome! Did you really?"

Ellen just grinned, looking at her nails.

"Guys, I don't really think you're helping with the situation." Mia glared at them both.

"He's fine, Mia." Ellen rolled her eyes. "He's just being a little baby because his true love in black was a little mean to him in front of his friends."

"You suck, Ellen!" Sam shot pathetically, still sprawled across the table feeling sorry for himself.

"Shut up, you are desperately fond of me."Ellen smacked him over the head, making him yelp and catch his baseball cap before it went flying. "Get over yourself. You knew he was a dick to start off with."

Sam groaned into his arms again, encasing himself in the smell of old wood from the table. She was right, Felix had always been cocky and mean, had always scared everyone off with his scary exterior and even more terrifying interior.

"I think what we learned from everything here is that Felix is better with Sam when they are on their own." Ellen said after a while of silence. Sam whipped his head up.

"Are you insane!?" He cried.

She grinned wide, eyes bright. "Just a little."

"There's no way I'm seeing him alone again. I can't handle it. He'll kill me."

"He didn't kill you before," Mia supplied most helpfully. And when Sam said helpfully he meant not at all. She knew it too, giving him a puppy-eyed look that Sam was 90% sure was what made him go out with her in the first place. He was weak for it. "Maybe he was just trying to be big in front of his friends."

Ellen snorted. "There's no 'maybe' about it. Felix is a massive softie underneath everything. He's just a massive jerk around everyone else. I can't tell you how many times I have had to call him out for his shit."

Sam didn't care if Felix was a softie underneath, he had quite enough of his outsides to make him feel as if he wanted to run for the hills and find a cave in to hide in forever. Felix had played around Sam's feeling more than he could count and he hadn't even had a proper conversation with the boy with the bright eyes and the dark clothes other than threats and apologies.

He was done.

"I'm done," he told Ellen. And that was that.


Turns out, he really didn't need to confront Felix or let Ellen pull him into some elaborate plan to get him and Felix alone (Ellen preferably wanted to lock them in a broom closet because she was a sadist and unoriginal) as he was there, standing with his head down low and looking at his crossed legs and fingers playing nervously with his lip rings just as Sam opened the art room door the next morning.

Freak | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang