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Chapter 21
Author's POV

THE PRINCE's body remained frozen and immobile, his face growing paler than it originally. His eyes inspected the body of the young girl lying on the table helplessly, defeated and crying as blood runs through her marred skin.

He closed his eyes, gulping hard.

The family was known for their tan completion which many envied, as his eyes roamed over the new scars maliciously decorating her skin his heart fell to his chest... If it had a beat it would have stopped it's beating for a moment.

Amid everything going on, the death of his friend and family this war was far from what he expected from his kind. Perhaps humans and other supernaturals made the correct choice by trying to have them extinct, there is no way someone in their right mind would take pleasure in molesting a young child.

While he wanted to will his body to move forward his mind patronized him by running wild- memories of his past traumas all slapping him from different directions, he had sworn countless times in protecting that girl, the entire family. Seeing her lying in this state made him remember, there's trouble in remembering, so he loathes remembering.

Finally getting his body in sync with his thoughts he left where he stood, for the first time since he left his father's captivity his eyes turned crimson red with silver linings around his iris and his sharp fangs extended in anger. His demon vampire was out, ready to cause destruction on his wake.

Driven by rage and vengeance he destroyed all the men that harmed the girl, one part menacingly wanting to give them the same treatment she received however he decided against it as there wasn't any time. With every blow he delivered and the more blood he drew out from his enemies the more his primal side came out.

To him it felt like this fight was a message from his father, warning him to stay away from the humans and by that he felt even more responsible for everything that happened that night.

The screams of the men fueled him even more, she didn't deserve it. None of these families did.

He ripped hearts, bit them, needless to say he attacked them faster than they could comprehend. For John. For Natalia. For Emily and the boy he's yet to find. For all the humans murdered.

What he didn't know was that as he fought in rage and murdered those men a little boy was also watching, stricken by fear as he watched a man turn into a monster with weird eyes... Young Edward was hung on the ceiling, his mouth covered by a tape to keep any sounds from his mouth from passing through. Once the prince had finished killing the men and he was left with Emily's body he thought of only one thing. Not bothering to ponder on the consequences his actions will bring he entered his sharp demonic fangs inside of her in hopes of saving her life, to the prince, saving the young girl's life was his priority so he did what he thought was right.

Turning her into one of his kind.

Seeing what was being done to his sister by his father's friend Edward thrashed and cried as he hung on the ceiling however his screams were unheard, and he felt helpless as there was nothing he could do.

Tears from his eyes blinded his vision as he sobbed, trying to get rid of the image from his head. His watery contents were too heavy they dropped onto the prince's uncovered shoulder goading him to look upwards. When he saw the body of a crying boy taped and dangling he felt even more hopeless. He was a fuck up.

The image of a little boy witnessing him kill will forever haunt him, especially the thoughts of him seeing what was done to his sister.

He squeezed his eyes shut while the boy teared.

After he had untied Edward from the ceiling and brought him down the boy looked at him with hostility, his body shaking and trembling so much that he couldn't stop the small sobs coming out his mouth. With one hand holding his sister as she laid on the worn couch wrapped in a suit jacket. His eyes never left her body and by the look of it Edward had countless questions yet didn't voice them.

Besides the bruises on his wrists he was fine physically but mentally, the prince wasn't sure he'd recover...

After the war, he became their legal guardian as stated on their parents will. Edward was still unsure of what happened to everyone and Emily couldn't fathom how she was still alive and why she had to drink blood every now and then. By the looks of it she despised it.

The prince had never lived with anybody before, especially young children. Every thing was happening hastily to him and there was no time to grasp the process or even think of how the situation would be handled. With no knowledge on raising children he decided on taking it one step at a time.

During that horrific historic moment vampires lost the war, apparently the other supernaturals had signed an agreement on fighting against vampires when they attack.

Four years later The prince was a monster to the kids. Edward and Emily no longer wanted to live with him so they tried running away from his care, yet he followed them each time. Emily was still haunted by the memories of the night of the war and sometimes when the memories came back in full force the trauma would take a toll on her, making her pine for quick death.

The two kids did not favour living with the Prince, hell they tried running off at any chance they got and that made him get more agitated. One time they devised an escape plan, hoping to put it in motion when the prince is busy in his office or in a meeting. When the time for them to run off came they were bemused to find him standing by the door nonchalantly, both his hands stuffed in his pockets. Emily gulped pushing Edward behind her to protect him. She had grown these past four years because of his bite, she constantly reminded him how big the mistake of turning her into a vampire was, and that he should've let her die. The words stung, knowing that he'll never be able to feel the pain she felt that evening.

Finally letting them have their way he stepped aside and gave them an opening, he was letting them leave. The silence and constant bickering made him remember his own upbringing so he didn't want the kids to feel like he did. He did not want to be pointed at when they turned into monsters. So he let them be, "Take whatever you require." With hesitant looks they walked past him, still frightened.

The prince knew it was better for them to blame themselves when plans go astray than for him to be made a villain in their story. That's not what he wanted.

After a week of being by themselves, sleeping on cold hard floor and empty stomachs it was becoming unbearable for the both of them to survive as they pondered whether they should leave the town or not. Emily's hunger had grown beyond normal and her cravings had to be satiated, the moment Edward offered to be of help she didn't think twice about drinking from him. But once her teeth left his pulse and he fell went limp on her she knew that she'd regret her actions later in life. Taking her brother in her arms she used her vampire speed to run to her caretaker.

Since their return to Him they became his apprentices, they were taught and raised by him. When Emily left to Africa Edward stayed behind with him. Emily begged Edward to follow but he refused each time, he made a promise to her that he'll keep him safe. It doesn't matter the circumstances and if he'd have to sacrifice his life for Edward's then so be it.


When he saw Edward's beaten body he dropped the woman in his arms like a sack of vegetables then ran to Edward.

The promise he made that day ringing in his ears, mocking him. He couldn't be the reason Edward died!

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