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S M O K E   A N D   S U N S E T S


It was Monday. The golden flame above lit the sky to a brilliant blue and gave the clouds a warm hue. Sun rays soaked the island and bathed everybody in an airy heat. The island still looked picturesque, as Harley and Mr Routledge whizzed through in his truck. The quaint houses and shacks looked perfect.

Harley had only just been allowed to leave the hospital. She had to spend Sunday night alone, meanwhile Mr Routledge had the task of explaining things to John B. Harley felt terribly nervous about what he would think. John or Big John, as she was supposed to address him as now, had done his best to reassure her that John B was fine with it. That didn't stop the idea that she would be invading someone else's home and sharing their sole parent.

"You really don't have to look so nervous," John chuckled. Every so often his eyes would dart to Harley, then back to the road. "You've met and befriended everybody already."

"But it's different now." Harley slumped back into her chair. It was written all over her face that she was driving herself mad with anxious thoughts. Her lips were now more pouty and her thick brows drooped crinkling her skin. "I'm going to be invading John B's space for more than a couple of days. And well, the others have all been friends for so long. What if I don't properly settle in?"

"I think you'll settle in perfectly!" John replied enthusiastically. He nudged his glasses up and smiled brightly exuding a comforting air that managed to put Harley at ease. Unfortunately, it edged her mind back to whomever her parents were. Were they nice people? Did they make her feel this level of comfort? Maybe all parents were like John Routledge, welcoming and kind.

The truck turned onto a dirt road. Up ahead four figures meandered along the side of the road. Three boys and one girl: the Pogues. They were strolling along in a carefree manner as they approached the Routledge's shack, Harley's new home.

John peered down at his watch whilst Harley listened to Kiara's sweet giggles through her open window.

The truck eased to a smooth stop in front of the shack. Harley stared out to the waters that she washed up from and the small dock where a boat was tied up.

"You've got nothing to worry about." John patted her shoulder. She looked over at him. "I promise."

Suddenly, the door swung open causing Harley to jump in surprise and pull towards John. She stared disconcerted at John B who stood apologetically surprised yet amused in the open doorway.

"Hi," he laughed lightly scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

John shook his head with a bemused smile, while Harley eased herself back into her chair.

"No it's okay. I just wasn't expecting that to happen."

"He totally meant to scare you!" JJ called over jokingly.

John B held out a hand for Harley to take whilst talking. "Ignore him."

She took his hand and let him help her hop out of the truck, not that she needed much help. She wasn't short or incapable, but it was a sweet gesture that she appreciated very much, so much that she couldn't help her small smile.

John B shut the door behind her, a second door shutting echoed behind them. John circled round the car with a bag for Harley in hand. "You guys are back earlier than usual. Normally you're out longer after school."

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now