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I'm in my room studying when the doorbell rings. Mel and Anna were supposed to come over so we can get ready for the party tonight. I get up and open the door. Anna is standing in front of me with a bunch of makeup bags in her hands while Mel is still coming up the stairs, carrying their outfits for tonight.

"Wassup, wolf killer," I say as Anna enters the room, Mel following close behind.

"I hate you," she replies with a straight face and walks straight into my room.

"Shut up, you love me," I yell back.

We start getting ready. I decide to wear a short black dress that reaches about the mid of my thighs and hugs my body tightly. Mel puts my hair up in a messy bun with a few loose strands around my face. I decide to wear light makeup with red lipstick. Mel is wearing a red strapless dress while Anna decides to go with a navy halter dress. Once we're done with everything, I wear black ankle strap heels and we're out the door. We're all going with Anna.

The car ride is short since the pub isn't that far away. The front of Anna's car is destroyed but it surprisingly still works fine. It's around 10:30 when we reach and the party is in full swing.

We enter the club and Anna immediately runs off to look for Chris. The lights are dim and loud music is playing. I don't think anyone who's not from our school is here tonight. I see a bunch of familiar faces around me and say hi to a few people before finding my way over to the bar. The whole place is crowded and there's barely any room to pass through. People are dancing in the middle of the room, some are playing darts and beer pong around the sides, while others are just making out in dark corners.

Once I reach the bar, I look around to see if Lucas is here but there seems to be no sign of him yet. Mel is on the dance floor already with a couple of guys around her. I thought I was chill about meeting Liam, aka my mate, but honestly I am freaking out. Who wouldn't be, right? I ask the bartender for a drink. Hopefully, this will settle my nerves a bit.

A bunch of people that I used to be study partners with for Anatomy class come over and we chat for a while. We're all laughing about dumb things and reminiscing about the good old days. Mel finally comes over and sits down next to me.

"Girl, why are you sitting here doing nothing? We're here to have fun!" She yells over the loud music.

"I am having fun," I say as everyone else also dissipates to mingle.

"Come on, Sam there has been staring at you ever since you got here. Look," she says pointing with her head to a handsome guy with blond hair standing at the edge of the dance floor. I look at him and he smiles. I give him an awkward smile back.

"Mel, I've talked to the guy probably a total of four times in these last four years."

"So what? No one is asking you to marry him. It's just a dance," she says trying to convince me.

I might as well dance and enjoy myself. If my mate wanted to spend time with me, he should've been on time. "Alright, I'll do it but I'm gonna need some liquid courage first," I say grabbing another drink.

I walk towards the dance floor and grab Sam by his arm to drag him into the crowd of people with me. I look back at Mel and she's looking at me with a sly smile. I roll my eyes and get busy dancing. I've danced with so many people now I've lost count, mostly people I've known throughout my entire time at med school. Sam is finally back in front of me. We've barely had a conversation since we started dancing because the music is so loud. We're so close to each other, our bodies are almost touching. He starts dancing behind me and brings his hand on the side of my waist.

Suddenly, I feel a strong grip around my right arm. Before I know it, I'm being dragged away from the dance floor and towards the back exit of the club.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let go of me!" I yell as I try to wiggle out of the man's strong grip. Once we're outside, he pushes me towards the wall. I hit the wall with my back and look at the asshole who decided to bring me here. I'm scared because there is no one else in this street and no lights except for the dim one on top of the club's door. All of my fear washes away once I look at the man who dragged me out and I'm hit with the most beautiful scent of rosewood and musk oil. I can feel Jade get excited by being this close to her mate but I have to control her because he literally just dragged me and threw me against a wall.

That is not cool.

"What the fuck am I doing? What were you doing with that guy?" He growls. He places both of his hands on the wall around me, trapping me between the wall and himself.

"That's none of your business," I reply flatly. I don't need to explain myself to him.

"You are my business. You belong to me! How dare you go around letting men see you like this and touch you? Only I am allowed to see you this way," he says while his eyes scan my body. They have gone dark and his hands are clutched into fists.

"I don't belong to anyone. It's my body and I will do whatever I damn well please," I'm pissed off as well now. Just because he might be my mate, gives him no right to treat me like I'm his property.

"You will do as I say," he yells authoritatively.

"Why would I do that? I don't even know who you are," I yell back.

He lowers his arms and grabs both my hands to raise them while placing them against the wall behind me. He then moves his face closer to my left ear and whispers, "I think you know very well who I am."

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