Chapter 7

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Angelica and Sapphira continued chatting, both telling the other one more about their kind and asking questions about the others. All in all, it seemed like the two of them hit it off and enjoyed each others company. As the two of them were laughing about a joke Angelica told a hand landed on her shoulder. 

"I see you two are having fun," Mason said smiling. 

"Ah there you are, I thought you had left," Angelica said turning so he could join in on their conversation. 

"I didn't I just had to sort something out." He said shrugging, "But it's fine now..." 

"Oh someone throwing a hissy fit," Angelica said sipping her drink, "But I must say I'm glad you invited this one, she's nice." She said motioning towards Sapphira. 

"And I'm glad to have been invited." Sapphira nodded. 

"I see you've already survived your encounter with the Alpha?" Mason said jokingly. 

"Yeah, no thanks to you," Sapphira replied tauntingly, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. 

Mason held up his hands, "You seemed to be doing well on your own." 

As the three of them continued their conversation, at one point Angelica got whisked away by another guest. Sapphira then continued to chat with Mason, that was until he had more duties to fulfil. In the end, Sapphira was by herself once more simply observing the other guests. 

It was then that she decided to get some fresh air. Slowly she made her way to the crowd and out of the building. Stepping outside she took a deep breath, filling her lungs with cold fresh air. 

Looking around the outside area she noted the sheer amount of cars that had accumulated by the front door.  It seemed as if truly everyone had been invited to this fest. 

As she casually walked without any real destination she suddenly started hearing a noise. A sound that emanated from the back of the house that struck her as odd, the sound of a whimpering boy...

Frozen in place she strained her ears to listen to the sound, trying to figure out is she'd actually heard it right. But this time it was louder and even clearer, a little boy panicking. 

Sapphira looked around, trying to see if anyone else had heard what she'd heard, but there was no one around. Quickly Sapphira started making her way over to the source of the sound, not caring if she was trespassing. 

Chances were she wasn't supposed to go back there, but at this point, all she cared about was finding and helping the child. As the whimpering and crying grew louder a second sound joined it, growling. A low menacing grow started emanating from the same spot, causing Sapphira to pick up her pace. 

As she rounded the corner the full scene became apparent to Sapphira. 

The little boy in question was sitting on the ground, whimpers had grown to full-on sobs as his eyes were trained upon the woods before him. There, lurking under the cover of threes stood a monstrous creature with bright red eyes. Sapphira had heard of these creatures, but never once had she seen one, a rogue...

Slowly the monster was stalking closer to the boy, its head lowered to the ground and teeth bared. Sapphira knew she had to act and think quick. 

Without her magic, she would be powerless against the mighty beast, but she couldn't let it get to the boy. Quickly she placed herself between the two, dropping her clutch to the ground. Deep from within her, she tried to muster all the magic that the potion had left behind, which wasn't much. 

It was then that she locked eyes with the creature, who had now turned its attention to her. 'Good.' She thought, 'At least it won't go for the boy anymore.' The wolf that stood before her was large, brown and raggedy, with a look of malice in its blank eyes. It was as if this creature was void of any humanity at all. 

Sapphira knew with the amount of magic that she had left she only had one chance to use it against the creature, but it would have to get close... 

The creature started stalking her, getting ready to pounce...

She followed it with her eyes, as they slowly turned orange from the concentration. She didn't hear the boy anymore as she was focussed open the rogue and waiting for it to make its move. 

Suddenly the gleam in its eyes changed, as it pounced. At that exact moment, Sapphira used her magic to create a shield, causing the wolf to fall back. As the wolf fell down, so fell Sapphira, both from the shock of the collision. 

The rogue, however, regained his strength quicker, ready to pounce a second time, while Sapphira still lay on the ground. As she saw the jaws opening before her, the only thing she could do was shield herself with her arms. 

Before she knew it, its claws had connected with her arms, and its jaws with her throat. Pain flowed through her as a scream left her body. Mustering up the remainder of her magic once more, she released an energy wave, throwing the rogue off of her. 

She groaned trying to get up but found she couldn't... Instead, she realised that she would have to accept her fate... 

Unbeknownst to her, something would happen the next time the rogue attacked her, something which would set in motion a series of events of great importance for her. 

You see upon that third, and what would be the final attack, the claws of the rogue severed the threat of the crystal that hung around her neck. In that exact moment, the spell that kept her scent from the world was broken, and that very scent would waft into the nose of a certain Alpha.

And as the scent entered her nose, a certain part in his head clicked and then he knew...


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