Extra 1

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It was a sunny day when Lilyana decided to burst into my study office and forcefully invited me outside. We were both thirteen this year so I had more work to do.

"Your highness, let's go out and have a picnic today." she sweetly smiled, putting up an act in front of everyone that was present in the room.

I looked at them and nodded. Everyone bowed and left the room, closing the door behind them. Lilyana's fake smile dropped instantly, heaving out a sigh.

"This is tiring," she whined.

I snorted at her, leaning on my elbow as I rested my cheek on my palm, "So what about the picnic?"

"Oh that's right!" her eyes shone brightly, remembering why she came in here.

I felt something weird in my stomach. I shook my head, making fun of her, "How can you forget the reason you came here so easily?"

She glared at me, "Keep your mouth shut, pretty boy."

"Or what?"

"I made sandwiches shaped as a bear but I guess you aren't having any." she turned away, childishly stomping her foot.

I gasped, "Okay I'm sorry."

Lilyana giggled, turning back at me with a bright smile, "I forgive you. Now hurry up and let's go!"

Grabbing my hand, she pulled me out of the palace and headed to the place we were going to have our picnic at. I stare down at the hand she had grabbed onto. It felt warmer than my other hand and I could feel the same weird feeling back in my stomach. It felt like butterflies.

'If I recall, there was a saying about feeling butterflies in your stomach..' I thought to myself.

I continued staring at her small hand holding mine, her slender fingers wrapping around it. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks. This feeling felt weird but nice that I didn't want to let her hand go. I let her drag me to the destination without realising until she stopped and released her grip on me. I restrained myself from grabbing her hand back, composing myself as I looked around where we were.

We were in a field, further away from the palace so it was much more quiet and calm. No one except us were around. I felt my nerves calming down as I took in the beautiful view. Behind me, I heard some rustling.

"Liking the view?" Lilyana asked with a big smile on her face as she took out everything from the picnic basket she had brought out here before bringing me here.

I nodded, "Yeah. It's very peaceful.."

She nodded along, agreeing with my statement, "Right? That's why I chose this place. Today is a day for you and I to relax!"

I laughed, shaking my head, "Why you?"

She frowned at me, "Because I can plus I made everything we're having today so stop blabbering and come sit down to eat."

I sat down, knowing I couldn't say no to her. I accepted the sandwich from her and took a bite out of it. "I'm surprised that you decided to do all of this out of sudden."

She shrugged, taking a bite out of her own sandwich, "You've been cooped up in your study office, doing your work without resting. It's nice to go out and have a picnic once in a while don't you think?"

I didn't respond as she stared off into the distance, a gentle smile on her face as the wind gently blowing through her silver hair that was not styled in any way today.

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. The word kept replaying in my mind for so long that I wonder when it started. I felt my chest tightening up, heart beating faster than usual. I felt like I couldn't breathe as I stared at her. Lilyana turned to me and warmly smiled making me feel warmer.

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