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Wei Ying's eyes shot open and his body trembled in pain and fear as the undeniable feeling of a dog sinking it's teeth into his leg entered his brain.
Wei Ying's mouth opened in a silent scream as he cried and tried to move but he was held firmly. It was only then he was able to register what he was seeing.

A woman in white robes held Wèi Ying still against the bed. She was saying something but it was nothing but static amidst the sound of dogs barking, growling, and tearing at his flesh.

When Wèi Ying didn't calm down the woman quickly stuck a needle in the acupuncture point on his forehead, making him lose consciousness quickly. The woman sighed sadly as she looked over to Lan Qiren who stood by the door of the room.

"How bad is it?" Lan Qiren asked knowing he wasn't going to like the answer.

"It's a curse that was used often on slaves before the clans ruled slavery immoral and inhuman, therefore forbidden. The curse forces obedience to the rules set by the caster, when the victim disobeys they are punished with their worst fear... for example if your worst fear is spiders and you speak when you've been told not to, then you will be punished accordingly. Spiders will crawl from your throat and eat your flesh from the inside out. However there will be no such wound, just the illusion of the pain, fear, sound, etc." The woman explained.

"Is there a way to get rid of the curse?" Lan Qiren asked, the look on his face far from stoic, the look was full of pain for the child, he couldn't imagine a child going through such things and coming out unscathed mentally.

"...No, there isn't... but there is a way to switch who has control over the boys curse." She said and it wasn't the answer Lan Qiren wanted but at least they can free the boy from that hell.

"How?" he asked.

"There are two ways. 1. the caster hands over control to someone else, or 2. bonds with someone and marries them, the curse would recognize his partner as his new owner since the curse was designed for slaves, and slaves were often sold for marriages to get money." she explained and Lan Qiren sighed.

"We might have to take this to the other sects and hope that they will help suppress Madam Yu into giving over control." He said knowing that it was unlikely that the boy would be able to get married.

"... but for now I'll make him some medicene that will help dull the effects of the curse but it may have some side effects, nothing harmful of course." she told Lan Qiren

"Alright, I trust that you will take care of him well." Lan Qiren said as he excused himself and left.

An incense stick later and the healer sees little boy she knows well peeking in the room at the cursed child. She simply gestured to the little boy named Lan Zhan to come in. His face was stoic but its clear that he is worried for the boy.

"don't worry, he's been through a lot but he'll be ok. Your uncle is going to speak with the elders in hopes that they will help since it is unlikely for Wei Ying to get married to transfer the curse owner over." she explained to Lan Zhan.

"Can't Wei Ying just marry me?" Lan Zhan asked innocently and she had to hold herself back from going 'aww..'.

"Second Young Master Lan, That is something that you would have to discuss with your uncle." She explained kindly.

"Mn. Will ask." He said and she couldn't help but think he sounded quite determined.


Wei Ying's eyes opened and it was dark and quiet, his hand warm, being held by a familiar young boy that he had drawn. Where is he? Did he take him away from Lotus Pier..? He sat up and didn't let go of Lan Zhan's hand as he looked around the unfamiliar surroundings, it seemed to be a room where the healer works though.

Wei Ying didn't smile but felt relieved that he didn't have to worry about Madam Yu dragging him out to punish him for existing. He laid back down and fell asleep quickly having that sliver of hope that he may be free, even if it is a silly dream for someone who as been branded like a slave.

When morning came Lan Zhan was gone and the room was void of anyone but himself. He rolled out of bed, even though his whole body ached painfully. He was used to constant pain so mattered not as he left the room. He looked but didn't see anyone as he walked around the unfamiliar sect he was in. Everything was white, clean, quiet, and peaceful, something that Wei Ying does not mind at all.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said and Wei Ying turned around to see a old man with hair as white as snow, white robes, and a forehead ribbon like Lan Zhan's.

Wei Ying was unable to respond as he did have paper nor a pen, so he tried his best to point at his mouth and signal he could not speak. However the mans eyes narrowed in on the slave branding on his neck.

"I was not aware that were still slaves. You should quickly return to your owner before you taint our sect." The man said, uncaring to help a slave, to help a child.

Wei Ying was used to such treatment and simply bowed deeply before leaving quickly to avoid the man getting angry. Wei Ying only stopped walking when he realized he was lost, he didn't know where he was but he could hear the a familiar voice... Lan Zhan..?

Wei Ying opened the door where he could hear Lan Zhan's voice just enough to peek his head in. He saw Lan Zhan and another boy sitting in front of a older man.

The older mans eyes flickered over to Wei Ying as he noticed his presence and said, "You can come in Wei Ying."

Wei Ying hesitated before coming in, and stopping just inside the room. Wei Ying knelt next to the door as Madam Yu had told him to do when she is busy. She would make him kneel there for hours till his legs were numb, then punish him for being unable to get up.

"Wei Ying..?" Lan Zhan asked as he got up, abandoning the lesson his uncle was teaching him and his brother.

Wei Ying looked up to Lan Zhan in acknowledgement and noticed a paper and brush in Lan Zhan's hand.

"Why are you kneeling by the door?" Lan Zhan asked as he handed the paper and brush over to Wei Ying.

Wei Ying took them gratefully and wrote that it is what he is supposed to do. He knew he was treading on thin ice explaining so he only explained the bare minimum, not wanting to trigger the curse.

Lan Zhan's heart ached but knew he was powerless. He would try his best to comfort Wei Ying though. Lan Zhan gently slipped his hand into Wei Ying's and helped him up from the ground. When Wei Ying did not let go of his hand he simply brought him back to his seat. Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen did not say anything but the shock was evident on their faces.

The lesson continued on and it was obvious that Wei Ying did not understand the topics but was trying his best. Its likely that the boy was never taught anything regarding cultivation, Lan Qiren would never turn him away though, if Wei Ying was willing then he would teach him.

Wei Ying was trying his best to pay attention but without the threat of being torn apart by the curse or Madam Yu, he couldn't help but drift off into a deep sleep. The warmth of Lan Zhan's hand bringing comfort and protection from the horrible nightmares.

A/N: yeyyy an updateeee

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