35 | skin to skin

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Thank you so much for 100k viewz!! It means the absolute world to me. Now...let's get down to business.

♔ ♕ ♔

"Seduce my mind and you can have my body.
Find my soul and I'm yours forever."
- Anonymous

X X X strong sexual content X X X

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By the end of the night, I have to practically tear Violet off Tommy, trying to get them to leave. Somewhere between us finishing Finding Nemo, Gracie going to her room to play dress-up with Sadie, and us starting a group game of Cards Against Humanity, Violet ended up on Tommy's lap and his hand disappeared somewhere under her t-shirt. None of us wanted to imagine where exactly it ended up.

"You guys can hump each other somewhere else," I say to Violet, pushing them both into the elevator with Sadie and Peyton. "Go to your house. Or Tommy's. Or my house. Anywhere but here."

Violet laughs, already attached to Tommy's side again. "Don't act like you won't be doing the exact same thing once we're out the door. You dirty...dirty dogs." She giggles, pulling Tommy to the back of the elevator with her.

I ignore them both, blowing them all a kiss as the door closes. Violet playfully throws me a middle finger and Peyton mouths 'kill me now' while pointing to Tommy and Violet.

Before I can get excited about being alone with Gray, I hear Gracie yell from her bedroom. "I want River to tuck me in!"

When I get into her bedroom, I see Gray sitting on the edge of her Frozen-themed bed, trying his best to calm her down enough for her to go to sleep. I can't tell if it's working very well.

"What did Uncle Tammy mean when he told Violet that he wanted to handcuff her? He thought I wasn't listening but I was," Gracie asks, petting Chewie, who's trying his best to fall asleep on her lap. Gray sighs.

"Uncle Tammy didn't mean anything, Gracie. He just...wanted to play Cops and Robbers with Violet," Gray replies, smoothing Gracie's hair down. Her face lights up.

"I wanna play!" She sees me in the corner of her vision, and she gets even more excited, jumping up and down in her bed. "You and Chewie are the robbers, and I'll be a cop with River! Gray Pleeeeeease!"

"No, Gracie, it's time for bed." He's pulling her blanket up to her chin but Gracie isn't having any of it. I know she's tired; she was falling asleep on the couch earlier. From the way she's acting right now, I can tell she's doing everything she can to fight off her exhaustion.

"Gracie," I say, catching her attention, "Do you know what Peyton said to me before she left?"

Gracie was basically attached to Sadie and Peyton the entire night, pestering her about everything soccer. Her eyes grow wide at the mention of her name.

I continue. "She said that if you fall asleep right after she leaves, she'll get you tickets to one of her college games later this year."

Gracie's mouth drops open at this news. Immediately, she slams her head down against the pillow and moves Chewie so he's cuddled against her, shutting her eyes closed. "Turn off the lamp, Gray!" She demands, holding her eyes closed. Gray sighs in relief and flicks off the light.

Gray quietly walks out of her room, rolling his neck. "I'm going to kill Tommy. With my bare hands."

I laugh, following him to his room, which is on the other side of the penthouse, fortunately. In his room, I place myself on the edge of his bed, crossing my legs. "Do you mean Uncle Tammy?"

Taming the Street Racer ✔️On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara