Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 19

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Few days have passed they all have become best friend they tease each other help each other. Cabir and Navya have become really close and they have understand each other more now and our Dhruv and Alya well they have become completely lovebirds.

Mukti and Abhi well they are still on fighting terms but they don't fight much now. Our Manan what I can say they have stop fighting much but still they didn't realize their feelings for each other

Murthy Mansion

Nandini was sitting on swing which is in her room balcony and was writing in her diary in which she writes whatever she feels

Nandini's POV

In just few days many things have changed I never thought that I will have friends other than Navya and Abhi. Never thought that a game a reel world I will make friends whom I will meet in real and they will be my friends.

Cabir and Navya had feelings for each other because of them only we all decided to meet in real never thought that they will be the Fab5 who are already famous but still in college.

Dhruv is actually a shy guy but really mature he is silent type but when he say something it will really true and Alya she is really beautiful not only from face but from heart and her design are really great.

Mukti well she is like ummmm if someone says something bad about family or Fab5 she will not leave that person till he says sorry and now she fights for me Navya and Abhi also we asked her why she said we are also hers friends and family now that line touched my heart that she considers us as her family

Manik I don't know what to say about Manik, when we met we had a fight no it was nit big but yeahh it was fight from that day he calls me Miss. Ladakuu I mean really im not ladaku he is Mr. Akduu. But from what I know he is rude and cold hearted for outsider but for family and friends he is opposite of it, don't know why but whenever Im with him I feel different but really don't what is this feeling. I just hope that this things don't do something which is not good,

Well whatever it will be time will say and hope for the best nothing else.

After closing diary Nandini move towards her bed and slept.

Malhotra Mansion

Manik's Room

I never thought that other than Fab5 I will be friends with them or even talk with them. Navya is just like Mukti for me. Cabir and Navya have become really close and Navya is just like Cabir. If Cabir is mirror to me than Navya is  mirror to Nandini.

Abhi is also like Buddy the most mature one who's plans are great. We boys were in game and were practicing our fighting skills and when Abhi shows his fighting skills first time I thought he is equal to me not only abhi but Nandini also her fighting skills are awesome like I never saw this much clean fighting skills

Nandini from start I knew there is some kind of connection with her whenever I see her I feel good just seeing her smile also. Once we all were in college and Nandini didn't reach there because she is the girl who wants everything in time she was late we thought maybe stuck in traffic but one hour was she didn't reach we all were finding her.

I was like I don't know, I was finding her here and there and when I saw her coming from gate I feel relaxed. We asked her where she was she said she was traffic only as there was accident that's why she was late and her battery was dead. I don't know why I got angry I badly wanted to scold her and hug her tightly.

Manik was thinking all this he didn't realizes when Cabir came in his room. Cabir saw Manik was lost somewhere else and was thinking deeply

Cabir: Manik.......... MANIK

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