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"Look into my eyes." I heard Jungkook say. I sighed and tried to calm myself down. There was nothing I could do. It was either look into his eyes and pass out or have him punch me out.
I looked at his eyes and felt myself getting tired, eventually closing my eyes. It was like he sucked all the energy out of me just to get me back on that island..

When I opened my eyes again there I sat, back on the soft sand that surrounded the island.
"You're up! Just in time to see the show. Come with me, now." Jungkook had kneeled down in front of me and pulled me up. His sudden appearance made me jump a bit, because I didn't expect to open my eyes only to be greeted by Jungkook's face in front of me.
And what was he even talking about..

The walk wasn't that long. He walked towards somewhere in the middle of the island, me being dragged with him. Eventually I saw where he was taking me:
The fucking torture cave.

I immediately tried to get out of his grip. "I didn't do anything, let me go!" I yelled. He didn't expect my move and almost let go of my arm, but then his grip tightened and his face quickly made an angry expression. He pulled me towards him with ease and I had no way of getting out of his grip anymore. "It's not for you this time, but if you continue this behavior it will be." He almost whispered. I almost sighed in relief, but soon started to think about who else could possibly sit in there.

Jungkook opened the door and I couldn't see anything. Jungkook started to light the candles and soon I was able to see the words he had written with my blood and all the other messages written by others on the wall. It gave me goosebumps and a reminder.
Jungkook noticed how my eyes were stuck and kept looking at the wall.

"Is something wrong Y/N? Did you forget who I was when you were "safe" on land? I guess you were not as safe as you had hoped though, were you.." he said with no emotions in his face or his words.
"I never thought I was safe. Everywhere I went I was afraid, and you playing mind tricks with me didn't make it any better." I said finally being able to get my eyes off the sentence, now looking at him.
"Aww I feel really bad for you. By the way, you must be wondering what that show is I was talking about hmm?" He said with a smirk while walking to the last candle he hadn't lit yet. I was still unable to see the chair or whoever could've been in it, but when he lit the last candle, I could see enough. I looked directly at Seokjin's face. He was covered in bruises and had a split lip.
"No no no what have you done!" I yelled at Jungkook and quickly ran to Seokjin. He was still alive but it seemed like he had a hard time breathing already.
"I've done what he deserves, and I'm not done yet! You can watch me finish the job.." He said with a slight smirk.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't save y-you Y/N.." Seokjin said softly, really struggling to talk. It made my heart break.. How could he say that?! He did so much for me, even risking his life..
"Don't say that! You have done way more for me then you might think! Thank you so much for everything, I wish there was something I could do-"

"Shut the fuck up I swear to god! I'm so done with this bullshit!" Jungkook said before he pushed me away from Seokjin. Tears were rolling down my face. I thought about Dana's story. Seokjin always had taken care of her ever since she was 10 years old. She was gonna be crushed as well..
My final solution was running towards Jungkook to push him away but he didn't move at all. "Please Jungkook, don't do this I beg you!"

"That's it! When I'm done with Seokjin, you're next to sit in this fucking chair!" He yelled at me.
I dropped to the ground and put my hands over my eyes. I wasn't gonna watch.

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