Part 22

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Sam don't know how to react to the woman's reaction. Their male companion seem confused as well. The woman stride forward and cup her face. She's looking at her like a long lost acquaintance. The man touch her shoulder. She look at him finally waking up from a trance and move few steps backward to give Sam space.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.."

"No it's okay." Sam offer a small smile to the woman. She look at the other person and suddenly remember coming with him without even asking his name. As if the person read her mind he introduce himself.

"I'm Conan and this is my mate Martha."

"It's nice to meet you." She genuinely said to the couple. She was lucky she stumble with this good people rather than Rogues. Conan took an extra camping mat and gave it to Sam. Sam took it and laid it on the ground. She place her bag and sit.

"Where you from Sam? Martha asked when they were all sitting comfortably.

"Crescent Wolf Pack."

"Where are you heading now?" She continue.

"I don't know, wherever my legs takes me." Martha and Conan change glances. As if debating if they would trust her or not.

"It's dangerous wandering around alone Sam. Why did you left your pack?" Asked Conan.

They were kind to her and she thought it wouldn't hurt to tell them the truth.

"I'm running away from someone. It's complicated. But I assure you I'm not a fugitive or something closer to that."

They nodded buying what she said.

"Was it your mate?" Martha asked with a grin on her lovely face.

Sam only blushed.

"Don't worry it'll be okay." Martha told her patting her hand.

"How about you, where you from? Conan said you are heading to the Moon Shine Pack. "

"Yes we are. I am from Moon Valley Pack, Conan is from Moon Shine Pack. We are going back to his Pack after two weeks of staying for a visit at my old Pack. "

"Moon Valley Pack? That's a way long from here? You travel by foot?

""Ahmmm no darling. Somebody broke the pick up truck we brought so we were forced to walk the remaining miles by foot. We probably arrived there by now if that didn't happen." Martha said throwing a deadly glance to her mate. Conan simply look at the ground. They will not tell her that they had a fight. They met his ex boyfriend  and Conan got jealous,  crushed the vehicle.

Sam find the couple cute. Sure they fight but it looks like they're not letting it mess on their relationship. They still stick together no matter what.

"The said I look like her." Sam asked.

Martha sigh before answering her curiosity.

"Sarah, she's my cousin from Moon Valley Pack. You look exactly like her except your hair is a lot darker than her. Her baby, a daughter died a long time ago. A year after, she died from depression."

"That was sad." Was all Sam could say.

Martha nodded before she threw the stone she was toying.

"How did the baby died?" Something inside Sam wanted to know what happen to the baby.

"They said she was kidnapped and killed by a Rogue. She was all they ever had. Sarah had difficulty conceiving a child. She had someone to have a baby for them, a surrogate mother. It's not common for wolf community but she wanted to have a baby of her own so bad. The procedure was successful and the baby was born safely. And then she was kidnapped. Sarah didn't took it well and fall from depression."

Sam hugged her legs. She felt so bad for Sarah. She lost the only thing she ever wanted. Their baby..

"How about Sarah's mate? Is he still alive?"

"Yes he is. I can say that he is a strong man. He survived from all the blow he received in his life."

"If you don't have any place in mind yet you can come with us." Conan offer.

Sam nodded and thank them for their kindness.

The next morning they pack their things and headed to the Moon Shine pack. 

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