32: Bolting From The Blue

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Maria was getting ready to go out on lunch with that David guy and I volunteered to look after Kathie while she is gone. I wasn't comfortable with the fact that she was going with that guy I have been thinking about the ideas to stop her from going, but I couldn't think of any good reason. I just want her to cancel her plan and spend the time with me. Kathie woke up after an hour and now she was playing with her toys. I didn't tell her that I bought her the cotton candy while she was sleep, because well – I ate it all. Yes, I ate my niece's cotton candy – big deal. She didn't even know that I brought her cotton candy, so all is good except for that fact that Maria was meeting that David guy – whom I am sure has a crush over her. The way that guy looked at her was unsettling for me. I pacing in Kathie's room when the door opened and Maria stepped in.

She looked gorgeous in her knee-length yellow dress. Her beautiful legs were covered with leg braces. She was wearing flat black pumps while her hair was tied in a high ponytail. She had a minimal amount of makeup of her face – which I loved. She looked gorgeous. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Why is she so beautiful? Why can't I just have her? You did have her, but turns out you a stupid, numb head, not good for anything asshole – Silas!

"Silas, are you sure you will not have any problem looking after Kathie?" Maria asked me. I heard her, but I was mesmerized by her beauty to answer her immediately. She raised her eyebrow, "Silas?" She waved her hand in front of my face. I snapped out and gulped, "Huh? Yes!" I said too loudly. "I mean, yes," I said nonchalantly. "Uh – I will be okay – yes, sure. I mean, I don't have anything important at the office today so, yes. I will be fine." I said. Maria smiled, "Thank you so much, Silas. I will be back soon." She said.

"So, how are you going to get there?" I asked her. "I called for Uber." She answered. My shoulders sunk. I was going to offer her to drop her off. "Oh, all right. Well, I could have dropped you." I scratched my neck. She smiled, "No, I am good." She said as her phone beeped, "My ride is here. I will see you two in a while." She said and walked in. She kissed Kathie's forehead and asked her to be good while simply passed a smile at me. I smiled back at her as I saw her leaving. I followed her out. "That David guy should have picked you up." I shrugged. Maria halted and turned around and chuckled, "He offered, but I declined." She answered.

"It is good that you declined his offer," I said, but soon regretted it. She knitted her eyebrows together, "Just now you were saying that he should have picked me up and now you telling me that it is good that I declined the offer. Silas, are you okay?" She chuckled.

I had no words. I mashed my lips and placed my hands on my hips, "Yes, of course – I am okay." I nodded. Maria didn't say anything – she just nodded and walked down the stairs. I wasn't sure how to stop her. So, instead of doing or saying something stupid – I let her go. I felt disappointed as I saw her leaving the penthouse. There was something that was burning in me – I didn't want her to go to meet that guy alone. I don't care if she says that he is her friend – I am sure he doesn't look at her as just a friend.

With sunken shoulders, I went into the room where Kathie was playing with her toys. I sat on the bed and twisted my mouth. Kathie was mumbling to her dolls while I sat on her bed quietly with my elbows resting on my knees and my face resting in my hands. I sighed as I heard my cellphone ringing. I took it out to see Alice calling me. This is the first time she was calling me after we broke up. It would be rude if I will not pick up her call, so I answered it. "Hey," I said as I stood up on my feet.

"Uh – hey, Silas how are you?" She replied softly. "I am well, how about you?" I asked her. She sighed, "Yeah, I am okay I guess. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something." I drew my eyebrows together, "Uh, sure. I am listening." I said to her. "No, I don't want to talk about this on the phone. Can we meet somewhere?" She asked.

"What is it, Alice? Is everything okay?" I asked her. She didn't sound so good – I was worried that something was wrong. After a brief pause she replied, "Yes – yes, I am okay. I just need to talk to you. Can we please meet somewhere?" she asked. I blew my cheeks out, "Sure – okay." I replied and glanced towards Kathie – who was busy playing. "Thank you, Silas. Can you see me now?" She asked. I mashed my lips together, "Uh – I am babysitting Kathryn right now. How about we meet tomorrow?" I asked her.

"No, I have to see you today." She said. "Where are you right now?" She asked. "I am at Charlie's apartment. Alice, is everything okay?" Something wasn't right at all. She sounded nervous. "Yes – no, I will tell you everything once I see you. Can I come over to Charlie's apartment? I promise I will not take long." She asked. I scratched my head – I wasn't sure if that would be a good idea, but she doesn't sound good – something must be wrong. I sighed, "Okay, sure – you can come here." I replied.

"Thank you so much, Silas. I will see you in half an hour." She said before cutting off the call. I put my phone back in my pocket. What could it be? She sounded liked she was in trouble. She didn't sound well. I hope everything is okay.

Just as she promised, Alice was at Charlie's apartment in half an hour. She was wearing an oversize t-shirt and ripped jeans, her hair was tied in a messy bun and she had bags under her eyes. "Thank you for seeing me, Silas." She said as he put her handbag on the table and sat on the couch. Kathie was also downstairs with us. She was drawing something with her crayons on the papers. I smiled, "No problem. Do you want to drink or eat anything?" I asked her. She politely declined. She looked thinner since I last saw her.

"Just please, sit down." She patted on the couch beside her. I hesitantly sat beside her. She looked at me and sighed. Her eyes filled with tears, "Silas, I am pregnant." She said, bolting from the blue.  

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