11. Eyes Down

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Third-Person POV

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Third-Person POV

Pihu was standing a bit far from the reception of Prayan's Company. After their not so official date to the amusement park, Pihu received an email from Prayan to prepare a presentation on their collaboration project which she has to present in his Delhi branch in front of various clients. As Prayan is going to stay in Delhi for some time, he is going to work from that branch only.

Pihu was standing there not knowing where to go further when a person came to her and said "Good Morning, Ma'am, you are Pihu right? I am the operations' manager of this company. I am here to guide you further. Myself Mohini." The lady said.

"Good Morning Ms Mohini, and yes I am Pihu from K.R Constructions."

The Lady nodded and both the females proceeded towards meeting room.

"Ma'am have a seat here, Sir will be here in a moment." The lady named Mohini said and vacated the meeting hall.

Pihu sighed and sat on a chair. Despite being a part of various meetings and delivering presentations she was feeling a bit agitated as she did not want to perpetrate any blunder which can hamper the collaboration between their companies. She was genuinely exuberant that her company, and Prayan's company were collaborating together on this project.

After few minutes the door opened to reveal Prayan and few other people with him.

"Hello Ms Pihu welcome to Delhi branch of S.K Constructions. On behalf of my company I welcome you here and hope everything goes well." Prayan who was standing in a firm posture, in his formal attires said professionally.

"Hello Mr Prayan, thanks for giving our company this opportunity, and we are looking forward to work with you." Pihu replied confidently.

Prayan smiled and motioned Pihu to have a seat. After a comfortable silence of few minutes when everyone was seated in the meeting room Pihu started giving her presentation. She was so engrossed in the presentation that every single person sitting in that room was Impressed with her. Some were in awe by her presentation skills, some were dazzled by the content which she prepared and some were impressed by her.

Prayan was sitting in the front chair from where he could see the other members and Pihu as well. He was very proud the way Pihu was conducting herself. He was delighted that he was collaborating with her company and euphoric that he can stay in touch with her more often now.

Instantly Prayan turned his head to see the reaction of other members sitting there when he saw something which infuriated him more. There was a man who was eying Pihu up and down with his beady eyes while licking his lips and stretching his arms. He had a disgusting smirk on his face which made Prayan slam the table startling everyone.

Pihu stood their dumbfounded, unable to understand what was happening. She saw that Prayan was furious and in less than a milli second he strode towards the person and pulled him with his collars.

"What are you staring at? Tell me what are you staring at? Do you think that I am a fool to ignore what you were doing? Speak up." Prayan yelled startling everyone.

"Sir I--I, j-u-s-t---" the man mumbled while stuttering when his was cut off in between by a stern voice.

"Just gawking at someone? Right? The person you are gawking at, is doing her job but you because of your behaviour can be terminated."

"N-o, N-o Sir, I am extremely sorry, I apologize. Please don't fire me." He said with fear.

"Just keep in mind, one thing, you also have few women in your lives as your mothers, sisters, friend's just think how will you feel when people will ogle their souls with their lustful gazes. Will you like it? Tell me will you?" Prayan raised hai voice.

"No-- No, Sir" the male replied feeling ashamed.

"I am not your behavioural teacher who is going to teach you behavioural do's and don'ts and one last thing from now onward keep your eyes down in front of her. Always!" Prayan whispered the last line and showed him the door for exit.

"I am sorry everyone for the disturbance, we can carry on now Ms Pihu." Prayan continued and urged Pihu to continue with the presentation.


It was evening when Prayan and Pihu were driving in his car towards Pihu's residence.

"I am well pleased with the meeting. I am really proud of you Pihu. I must say you are truly a perfect HR." Prayan praised Pihu who was sitting besides him however she was busy staring at the outside view.

"Are you okay?" Prayan inquiried again when he received no response.

"What was happening in the meeting hall? You never answered my question. I kept you asking that why did you created a scene---" Pihu said but was cut off by a furious Prayan.

"Excuse me, I created a scene really? He was lusting over you and I gave him some piece of mind. Which I felt was right. He was practically eye raping you and you are telling me, that I created a scene. Even if I created a scene then it shouldn't bother you, because that's my company and my people." Prayan shouted which he instantly regretted.

The rest of the distance they both were engulfed with an awkward silence. After reaching their destination, Pihu left the car without saying goodbye which left Prayan aghast.


Hello Everyone 🌺

Currently I am addicted to this one song which is astounding.💙

What's your current favourite song?🎵

Your thoughts on today's Chapter.

• Did Pihu overreacted? Any thoughts regarding that?

• Was Prayan right in what he did?

• Was Prayan right in what he did?

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