Chapter 36

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"Okay everyone, that's enough for today! I want those papers in my inbox by Sunday at midnight." My professor called out to the auditorium of students. I breathed a sigh of relief and immediately started shoving my stuff into my bag.

"Hey Charlotte," a smarmy voice said from above me. I didn't even need to look up from my bag to know who it was.

"Nathaniel." I nodded tightly.

"Are you sick? You don't look well." Nathaniel crossed his arms over his chest and gave me a pitying look. Anger boiled up inside of me and I had to take a calming breath. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't look well? Well excuse me for waking up this morning to Mother Nature's gift to women and maybe I didn't feel like putting real clothes on or makeup or doing my hair? I thought it was pretty dang impressive that I wore leggings under Archer's USC hoody instead of sweatpants, and I even made sure the scrunchy holding my bun in place was red to match.

I stood up and slugged my bag over my shoulder, cringing when the weight pulled on my sore muscles. "Yep. I'm sick," I said as I shuffled into the walkway and headed for the large double doors. Nathaniel fell into step next to me but I ignored him. I didn't have the energy to be polite. I had one goal today and that was getting to the dining hall and eating fries.

I scanned my card to get through the mechanical entryway and bee-lined it right to the buffet line. I grabbed a tray and bypassed all of the plates of pasta and sandwiches, keeping my eyes locked on the fry station.

"You know," Nathaniel joined the line behind me. Ugh, his voice makes my skin hurt. "If you're sick you should really get soup or something healthy. Your body needs nutrients, not carbs."  

"Thanks for the tip." I didn't turn around so he couldn't see my scowl. My body relaxed when the line moved and I finally made it to my heavenly fries. The smell of salt and oil wafted around me and whispered sweet nothings in my ear, making me wiggle a little in excitement.

I stepped out of line after I filled my plate and walked towards the tables. I loved coming to the dining hall. It reminded me of Hogwarts with the high vaulted ceilings and long rows of tables running parallel down the hall. The only downside was that the large communal tables didn't allow for me to tuck away in a corner and make love to my fries.

"You want to join me and my friends?" Nathaniel asked as he came up behind me.

"Oh, uhm—"

"Charlotte!" Tyler called out from behind us. I whipped around and beamed as he approached us. From this day forward, you shall be known as my hero. "Oh hey Nate," Tyler added with a nod.

"It's Nathaniel," he responded tersely.

"Right," Tyler laughed. "Well sorry but I'm here to steal this little lady away." He grabbed my tray and bumped his hip into mine to get me to follow him. I was so grateful for his intervention that I ignored the pain that shot through my body at the contact.

"Bye Nate!" I called over my shoulder making Tyler chuckle.

Tyler led me to the far end of one of the tables. I smiled when I recognized most of the first-string football players. Tyler placed my tray down in front of an empty chair and gestured for me to sit. I was grateful it was at the end so I wasn't sandwiched between two guys. They were freakin' animals when they ate and more than once I'd gotten elbowed sitting at the table with them.

Normally that wouldn't be a huge deal but my period made my whole body sensitive. My muscles, bones, joints, even my skin reacted badly to every little jostle. I was liable to murder someone today if I was knocked the wrong way. Or I might cry. It was kind of a toss-up.

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