35. Silence is Deadly

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Song: The Devil is a Gentleman - Merci Raines





I smiled at him, feeling the wind as it whipped my hair around my face and I extended my hand out to him.

He looked at me before gazing down at my outstretched and bloodied hand, a small smile gracing his lips.

Shutting the door behind him, he placed his hand in mine.


A suffocating kind of silence settled in the car as we rode back and even if questions crowded my mind, I didn't break the silence. 

Even as we pulled up to the mostly empty parking lot, the silence remained.

As we nonchalantly walked through the reception and into the elevator, It remained. It remained as we patiently waited for the lift to take us to our floor and it remained as we split up to reach our separate rooms, neither one of us even daring to bid each other goodbyes. 

Opening the door to my hotel room, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I didn't bother with switching the light on, instead choosing to just walk straight to the bed and collapse onto it, kicking my shoes off in the process.

I snuggled up into the comfortable sheets and stretched my hands out, but instead of hitting more of the cool sheets, they touched something warm and hard.

I sat up with the speed of a cheetach, scrambling to switch the lights on as soon as possible. 

When light filled the room and my eyes had adjusted, my body relaxed.


"What the hell?" I said, my hand going to rest over my thundering heart.

He didn't reply, continuing to stare at me from the bed.

I slowly paced over to the bed, this time taking my jacket off before sitting down and laying my head against the headboard.

"Where have you been?" He asked, refusing to break the eye contact growing heavier by the second.

I hid my surprise at his question, smiling a little and putting on a confused face.

"I've just been around the hotel, why?"

He scoffed and looked away, obviously looking through my thinly veiled lie. My heart started to pound faster against my ribcage as I waited for his answer.

"Cut the crap, Ads. I know you weren't here."

My heart dropped to my toes as his powerful voice filled the room. Our eyes connected from opposite sides of the bed, his seeming to challenge and mine not backing down. 

"Do you need me to ask again?" He said, his eyes drilling into mine.

I held my gaze steady, careful not to give myself away.

I just had to work from a different angle.

"I'm 24 years old, I don't answer to you," I replied, refusing to break away from his stare.

I knew I was right, even if he didn't realize it. He lost the privilege of knowing what the hell was going on in my life the day he went rogue without telling me.

It was about time I got that point across.

Plus, Jaekyung had made her interests with him crystal clear and if I valued what we had, even in the slightest, I had to back away from him.

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