I must not tell lies • Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Two

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Detention Miss Snape" she yelled at me, making me flinch.

"So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead at his own account." Harry fired back. I flinched again at his name. "Detention Mr. Potter! Now does anyone else have anything more to say?" she yelled harshly looking around.

"Good!" I huffed sinking in to my seat.


"You couldn't keep your mouth shut for one second, huh Snape?" Draco growled as the four of us walked out of the class.

"Shove off Malfoy, it's not like your the one who got detention." I snapped.

He scoffed.

"I'll see you guys later, I'm going to my dad's" I called out as I left walking quickly to my dad's classroom. "I heard what happened. Why did you speak out Y/n you know better?"

"She was annoying." I sighed.

"I know, but now look what you've done." he yelled.

"I'm gonna go I have detention any minute now." I huffed grabbing my bad and walking out of his room.

While I was walking I saw Harry and decided to catch up to him.

"She is getting on my nerves." I told the boy. "She has no idea what she's saying." he replied, shaking his head as he opened the door.

We walked in to see Umbridge on her desk drinking tea.

"Well hello Miss Snape and Mr. Potter" she greeted. "Sit." she motioned at a desk that held two chairs and two pieces of paper. "Youre going to be doing some lines for me today you two." she smiled.

We both lent down to grab our quills. "No you will be using these special quills." she smirked handing us each one.

"Where's the ink?" I questioned.

"Oh you don't need ink, you will write, I must not tell lies." Umbridge replied.

"How many times?" Harry asked confused.

"As long as it takes for it to...sink in." I grabbed the quill and started writing quickly. I wanted to get this over with. Probably not the best idea.

"Ouch" I hissed dropping the quill.

I pulled my sleeve and saw I must not tell lies being engraved on my skin.

Harry turned to me and his eyes widened. Soon his hand began to do the same. "What?" she asked. "Nothing." Harry said quickly. "That's right because deep down you know you should be punished, now keep on writing." Umbridge said leaning down before turning away.

I scanned my hand, the more I wrote the deeper the cut got.

Blood was starting to seep onto the parchment.

I winced a small tear falling down my cheek. "It's okay, it's almost over." Harry whispered. I nodded and continued to write.


"Here is that good." he asked turning my hand over. I nodded as I looked at my hand that was now wrapped in a white bandage.

"Your turn" I said quietly hopping off the counter and letting Harry get on.

I grabbed the bandages and slowly started to wrap his hand. "Jeez Y/n how many lines did you write bloods already seeping through." he frowned looking at my hand.

"It's alright." I sighed finishing up his hand.

"What do we do?" I asked running a hand through my hair.

"Tell no one." he looked me in the eyes. "But Harry-" "We can't tell anyone, there is already too much going on." he said in a softer tone. I nodded before walking out of the room and towards the hall for dinner.

"So what did you have to do?" Emaline asked. "Oh nothing just write lines." I replied with a small shrug.

"Really? I thought she would make you do something worse." Blaise asked.

I shook my head no.

"Pardon me professor but what exactly are you insinuating?" we heard Umbridge ask.

Everyone's attention turned to the door and everyone got up heading over to see what was happening.

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