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Ethan's P.O.V

It's been a month now after that incident. Kate and I haven't talked to each other. We just come across each other at the breakfast time. But we don't speak a word. By the time I come back from work she is asleep.

Now if you are wondering how do I know that she is asleep or not? No I don't go to her room. I have asked my head maid to keep a check on her and update me.

As much as I don't like her, she is still my wife. She is my responsibility.

Strange things has happened to me this month. Kate and I decided to not to come in each other's way for our betterment. But since that day I haven't been feeling well. Like it is that I got a habit to fight with her? Maybe.

Tomorrow is this big charity event and I need to take Kate with me as she is my wife. I am going home right now. So I will tell her. I hope it goes well.


I reached home, maid took my bag. I could hear faint voice of two people laughing their heart outs. When I came to the living room, I saw Kate and a guy watching a movie and laughing. Who the fuck is this guy?

But before I burst out I took a deep breath . I didn't want to mess up like the last time.

"Kate." I called her.

She quickly muted the tv and got up.

"What happened?" She asked. The other guy also got up with her. He was of average height with good physique.

"Who is he?" I looked at that guy.

"He is Austin Clark. My dance partner. Austin he is my husband Ethan Robinson." She introduced us.

"Hi, Ethan. Nice to meet you." The guy forwarded his hand for handshake.

But me being me didn't do handshake. I just nodded.

"So this is it. I will see you tomorrow Katie." Austin said to avoid any more awkwardness.

Katie? He gave her a nickname too. Wow.

"Yas. Bye Austie." Kate smiled.

Great! She gave him a nickname too.

"What the heck was that?" Kate yelled at me the moment Austin wasn't with us.

"What!" I acted oblivious and went to drink some water.

"Oh don't please. Why were you so rude with him?" She came following me to the kitchen.

"I'm rude with everyone." I smirked.

"Yes I know. But can't you at least do a handshake with my friend."

"That's the reason I was rude to him."

"What?! I don't understand you at all." She scoffed.

"You don't need to understand me. Just behave as my wife in front of public. Speaking of which we have a charity event to attend tomorrow. So be ready in the evening."

"I'm not going with you."

"Sweetheart you are my wife. You don't have other option." I came near to her.

"Why me? Take your one night stands with you. I'm sure since our marriage you must have had sex as we are not the "it" couple." She said.

To be honest I was shocked to hear such things from her. So this is what she thinks of me? I mean I was this kinda guy but it was all before marriage. Though I hated her guts, I can't cheat just like she told me she can't cheat!

"You think of me like that?" I whispered to her.

"Well, you are a man you have your needs so yeah." She shrugged.

"Listen Mrs. Kate Robinson. I hate your guts, but just like you I too can't cheat. Okay?" I held her both the arms. We were so close to each other. Our nose almost touching.

I'm sure she was surprised with this but I can't handle.

"Fine fine. Sorry. Now leave  me." She said.

I left her both arms. She stumbled a little but composed herself.

"Be ready tomorrow evening."

She nodded.

"Words Kate words."

"Fine Mr. Arrogant. Now leave me alone." She dashed to her room.

Hey lovelies. I hope you like this chapter. Hit that star button down below. Comment what did you liked the most.

See you with the next chapter. Till then, bye💕

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