#64 she's right Liam, you have to try.

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Once we had gotten over the heated moment we shared in the bathroom I sat her back down on the edge of the bath and cleaned away all of the makeup from her face. This was something I used to do for my mom as a child whenever she came in wasted.

"What are you wearing for bed?" I asked, looking her outfit up and down.

"Nothing?" I rolled my eyes at her flirting, she was literally going to be no help for herself at all.

"You got underwear on under this thing?" She nodded her head. "Can I unzip?" I asked shyly, feeling my cheeks gain a little colour. She nodded again with a wide grin plastered all over her face.

She turned around giving me easy access to the zip I gently swiped her hair over her shoulder and pulled down the zipper slowly. My fingers trembled and by this time I'm pretty sure my cheeks were beaming the brightest red.

"There." I nodded, thankful I didn't chicken out and run away from that task.

But Olivia stood looking at me with expectant eyes and I knew she wasn't going to undress herself. "You really gonna make me do it?" She nodded again.

I swallowed hard and then slowly edged the straps of her dress down her arms and as the dress fell lower and lower exposing more of her skin I kept my gaze focused on her face. Counting every freckle that dusted her nose, every eyelash that fluttered above her beautiful eyes. I watched as her slightly parted lips breathed shallowly. I focused on anything that would stop me from looking down at her equisied body.

I've seen her body before, just before we had our first kiss but this time felt different. There was more heat, more desire, more passion. She was drunk now and I wanted to respect her privacy but right now I was losing the willpower not to look.

She reached up and stroked my cheek with the back of her hand.

"Why do you blush?" She wore a sweet smile but her question just made me blush harder.

"Why do you point out unmanly things?" I tried to pass her question with a joke but my face felt like it was on fire, am I really that obvious?

"I love that I can make you blush." She pressed a quick kiss to my lips and then moved away.

I tucked the covers around her body and then removed my jeans to climb in beside her.

"You don't have to stay here with me, you can go back to the party." She offered, seeming to be in a clearer mindset now.

"You think I'm leaving you here alone?"

"Take your shirt off."

I froze, holding the peeled back duvet in my hand. I've gotten used to sleeping beside her without a shirt on but this time she had no shirt on and I would feel her skin on mine. It might enhance the nightmares, I don't know how I would feel about that. And she's drunk, girls try things when they're drunk. She'll be touching me.

"I don't know Liv." I finally said, trying to push the intruding thoughts out of my mind.


"We've never slept in the same bed wearing nothing but underwear. I don't know how I would feel about feeling your skin on mine. It might be too much." I answered honestly.

"But it might be just the right amount." I rolled my eyes at her flirty comment and planned to just climb into bed with my t.shirt on, it's just safer but then she continued and this time she spoke sense. "You don't know if you don't try Liam, if you don't like it your shirts not going anywhere."

She's right Liam, you have to try.

I peeled my shirt off my body and let it fall to the floor, standing in front of her in only my boxer shorts. "Don't try any shit." I warned. I really needed her to listen to that warning because right now I was feeling pretty vulnerable about getting into bed with the girl who tried to jump my bones just five minutes ago. She crossed her fingers over her heart to signal a promise. "I can't believe I'm doing this, especially when you're like that. I mean it Liv, don't try anything." She rolled her eyes and giggled at my expense, telling me I was overreacting.

I crawled into the vacant spot beside her and instantly she slid closer to me, nuzzling into my arm as I lay completely stiff, adjusting to her warmth and blocking out the memories that penetrated my mind.

"You done a good job at not flinching tonight." She praised me like I was a child.

I could feel the beat of her heart against my arm, I could hear our breath mingling in the space between us. Her skin was getting hotter and hotter against mine.

"You're drunk Liv. Drunk people throw themselves at you. It's expected." I replied with displeasure at her patronizing tone.

I could feel his feet rubbing against my leg, and his hands clung onto my arm, locking me in place. His skin was hot, it burnt. I didn't want it there. I didn't want it touching me.

"Oh. I'm looking forward to our first date tomorrow night."

I stayed really still, if I didn't move his hands wouldn't be on me anywhere else. But he was close, up against the bare skin of my chest and I had nowhere to escape to.

"Me too."



"Do you wanna put your shirt back on?"


"Go on then." She giggled.

With permission from her I practically jumped to my feet, grabbed my shirt and let out a sigh of relief when it was back in it's rightful place. I climbed back into bed beside her, shuffling over to get closer because through the safety material of my t.shirt everything seemed okay.

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