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Emma's POV

I am so done. I feel so restrained, it's like my body is torturing me. My head hurts all the time, my nose bleeds almost everyday, my eyes keep bruising, I'm always tired, and if all that wasn't enough, I don't have a control over myself while I'm asleep, which gives double work for Jon. I'm surprised he is still with me. If it were someone else, they would've left me long ago. I'm so lucky to be with Jon, he has made this so much easier for me. I can't even imagine what I'd do without him.

"Emmy there's someone here to see you." Jon shouts from the living room. I get out of my comfortable, well, Jon's comfortable bed and head towards the living room. As I soon as I enter, a pair of tiny arms hug my legs.

"Emma!" Liam squeals whilst hugging my legs tightly.

"Heyyy Li Li. How are you baby? It's been so long since I've seen you honey." I crouch down to his level and attack him with kisses which makes him giggle.

"I missed you Emma." He says giving me a toothy grin.

"He missed you, indeed. He has been dying to see you." Caitlyn says as she plops down on the couch with a sigh. 

"Thank you so much for bringing him here, I missed this little handsome." I say whilst tickling Liam.

"Stop it Emma! It tickles." He says in his adorable voice while giggling. Jon comes to me and helps me stand straight from my crouched up position.

"Hey champ, isn't she Aunt Emma to you?" Jon says, smirking. He is pulling Liam's leg since he knows about Li Li's little crush on me.

"Leave the poor child alone, Jon." I say smacking his chest.

"Whatever." He says while giving Liam a mocking glare before heading to his room.

Who is the baby here?

"Liam honey, don't bother Aunt Emma." Caty says while pulling me by shoulders towards the couch. Liam huffs at the mention of me as his 'aunt' before he plays with Oreo and Tony.

"So, how are you dear? I'm so sorry I couldn't come to see you that often. It gets really busy in the bakery." She says giving me an apologetic smile.

"Ohh no Caty don't be sorry about that. I'm happy that you've come now." I say squeezing her arms. I shift slightly to sit in a more comfortable position while Caty does the same.

"So, tell me, how's it with you and Mr. grumpy?" She asks with a sly grin. I blush when I think about the time I proposed to him.

"Oh my God! Is your flustered face telling me that something has happened between the two of you?" She gasps.

"No no! Nothing happened exactly. I just....well......I might've proposed to him." I mumble while looking down at my hands.

"What?! Are you serious? Omg tell me everything now." Caty says getting all riled up. Just as I was about to tell her the entire story, Jon comes into the living room, all dressed up.

"Hey Caty I got some really important work at the repair shop. Can you spare a hours for Emmy till I come back?" Jon asks while shoving his wallet into his back pocket.

"Oh no problem Jon. You go ahead, I'll take good care of Emma." She says while patting my thigh.

"Thanks a lot Caty. Bye babe, I'll be back soon." He says while kissing me, really really hard.

"Ahem." Caty coughs to remind us that we're not the only ones in the living room.

"Bye cupcake." He says smirking, giving me a last peck on the cheek before leaving.

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