Chapter 3

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          I went back home and couldn't stop thinking about that baby. I couldn't stop thinking about Jasmine... my daughter. I just knew she was mine, but if I really wanted her to be with me, I had to prove she was mine. Y/N would never let her go, let alone without proof. Another thing that came to mind was Claire... Jasmine's birthmother. Why had she hidden the pregnancy from me? What had happened to her? I know we broke up on not so friendly terms, but she should have told me about the baby. Our baby. My baby. All these thoughts were driving me crazy, so I just grabbed a beer from the fridge and laid down on the couch. I had to come up with a plan quickly, but right now all I could do was charm Y/N to find more about her and Jasmine.


            It was currently a Saturday and I had just taken Jazz for another walk at Central Park. We were headed to Starbucks... again. It was my guilty pleasure, especially after having a baby. I was about to get in line when I heard someone shouting my name.


               I turned around and there he was. Sebastian. I just couldn't believe it. Not only had I met Sebastian, but now he was actually talking to me... again! I really don't know what he saw in me. I was a single-mother. What could he possibly want in me? All I know is that I couldn't create high hopes or get too attached. I definitely wasn't ready to fall in love again.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm good. How about you? Quick question, have you been following me?

Cause this is the 2nd, no third, time we meet at the same place, same time. So what's going on?"

"I'm not following you... I just happen to come here every week at the exact same time."

"Right... plus it's not like you have a reason to follow me. I'm just a single-mother, no big deal.", I said looking at my feet.

"Hey...", he said, lifting my chin with his finger, "it is a big deal. What you're doing right here means a lot. People might not recognize it, but you're doing an amazing job."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Anytime. So, how's m-your little princess today?"

"She's a little fussy cause she hasn't been fed yet, but I didn't want to feed her in the middle of the street, so she'll just have to wait a little longer."

"I see... why don't we go save a table and then go order our drinks?"

"You want to sit with me?"




"There's got to be a reason. A guy like you would never-"

"Trust me, there isn't. You just seem like great company and I'd like to get to know you a little better."

"Sebastian Stan wants to know me a little better... that's not something that happens every day."

"Well, it should. Any guy would be lucky to know you. Jasmine's fa- Jasmine's father is a lucky guy."

"There's no father in the picture. Not anymore."

"So what's the ring for? You told me you were a single-mother..."

"I am. Charl- Jasmine's father died right before she was born."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything."

"It's ok. No harm done."

                He just smiled at me as we left our stuff at the table and headed to the line. Soon we both had our drinks and were headed back to the table again. I had hardly sat down when Jasmine started fussing again. I really needed to feed her. I felt bad leaving the table so I just hoped Sebastian wouldn't mind me feeding her right there. I removed her from her stroller and adjusted her position in my lap.

"Hey, is it ok if I feed her?"

"Of course! Go ahead."

                I lifted my shirt and opened my nursing bra. I latched her to my breast and happily sighed when I felt her start sucking. Sometimes it still felt kinda weird to breastfeed a baby that wasn't biologically mine, but I quickly pushed those thoughts away cause Jasmine was mine. Nothing could change that. My thoughts were interrupted by Sebastian gasping.

"Something wrong?", I asked.

"No... it's just that I thought you were going to feed her with a bottle, not with-"

"My breast?"

"I- yeah, I guess."

"Do you have a problem with breastfeeding?"

"No, not at all... and I don't know why I'm surprised to see you do it. I guess I just haven't seen it done so up close."

"You can come closer and watch if you want. It's no big deal... they're just breasts. I bet you've seen them before."


                 I blushed at her comment and moved my chair closer to hers. I leaned in a bit and put my arm on the back of her chair so I could have a better look. This was the first time I actually watched a woman breastfeed. It was just magical. The connection between mother and child was simply beautiful. Jasmine's little hand seemed to be caressing Y/N's breast. How could something as common as a breast be a source of life? But then it hit me... this was a "stranger" feeding my child. 

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