ch 5 : "friend"

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When you woke up from your nap just before dinner, you noticed an owl fluttering in your windowsill with a bag of your favorite muggle candy and a note with just your name on it. You stumbled out of the bed and retrieved the candy from the owl's clutches. You turned the note over a few times, confused as to who could have sent you this. Maybe the twins were just apologizing for something terrible they had done. You decided you would have to ask them at dinner.

With this on your mind, you changed into your robes once more. You went to dinner and sat down next to Susan and across from Cedric at the Hufflepuff table. You began filling your plate and rubbing your tired eyes when Cedric leaned across the table to whisper, "Hey, what happened? We heard Crabbe and Goyle mention your name, and then we haven't seen you all afternoon."

You glanced at Susan's gently smiling face, appreciative of how trustworthy she was, never telling your stories and secrets for you. You shifted in your seat and sighed, "Malfoy and those two were bullying a first year, so I stood up to them, and he made a comment about me being fatherless is all. I was upset earlier, but it's fine, seriously."

Cedric flared his nostrils and glanced over at the Slytherin table to find Malfoy already looking over. Cedric glared at him, but you whispered, "Cedric, stop, don't make a scene. I would hate for him to try to hurt you next. It's truly not worth it."

He looked at you again with blazing eyes and grumbled, "He's two years younger than me, Y/N. I'm not afraid of him. He should know not to mess with us Hufflepuffs. We take care of each other here."

You sighed and began pushing food around your plate, realizing that you weren't really hungry after the day's events. You didn't listen to any of the conversations at the table that evening, and instead, you just stared down at your plate, taking small bites here and there. At one point, Susan squeezed your hand under the table, and you looked up with a gentle smile in her direction. You hoped it was enough for the others to let you be.

After dinner finished, you walked over to the Gryffindor table to ask Hermione if she wanted to study together the next day.

She grinned and nodded, chirping, "Sounds lovely, Y/N. I'll meet you there after class."

Before you could reply, Hermione turned and dashed out of the Great Hall in a rush. You blinked before turning to your remaining friends. You realized that Ron was also already gone. Harry turned to you and glanced around the room before asking, "We heard some Slytherins gossiping about you. Did something happen?"

You shrugged and commented, "Nothing I can't handle. It's alright."

Harry nodded slowly before patting you on the back and dashing out of the Great Hall too. You looked at the twins and joked, "What's got them in such a rush?"

They said together, "Beats me." They both grinned broadly.

You chuckled with them and walked out of the Great Hall next to them. As you walked beside them, you wondered, "Did either of you send me a note earlier? It didn't have a name on it."

They both glanced at each other with raised eyebrows before looking down at you and shaking their heads. Fred laughed, "Have you got yourself a secret admirer, Potter?"

You and George both rolled your eyes at his comment before you peeled off to head back to your dorm, glancing back at them as you rounded a corner. You smiled slightly as you watched the two of them wholeheartedly laugh at something.

You went back to the Hufflepuff common room, plopping down on the couch next to Cedric as a group of Hufflepuffs sat around laughing. You listened in on their conversation, laughing at their jokes, and adding some of your own witty remarks, causing the group to erupt into more laughter.

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