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Hi guys, this is the epilogue that many of you asked about.

This is a celebration of reaching 1 Million Reads too! Thank you so much guys. I'm so overwhelmed <3

I'd like to warn you that the following part will have sexual content.


Another two years have passed since I came to Perth

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Another two years have passed since I came to Perth. And right here, I'm standing in front of the Chancellor Hall of her campus, watching as she poses with her friends for pictures after her graduation ceremony. Her happy smile and laughter warm my heart -- it's the sight I treasure the most.

"OK. One more time," Jake says, adjusting the angle of his camera for God knows how many times. Dude's pretty damn excited himself.

Melanie has just completed her bachelor degree with honours, and I can't be more proud of her. Her parents laugh, watching as their daughter and her friends throw their graduate caps in the air while Jake is still taking more pictures.

I've been waiting for this day to come. To say that it's been wonderful living together with her here is an understatement, but I just can't wait to take our relationship to the next level. And to do that, I had to wait until she finishes her degree.

Right after I moved to work here, Melanie transferred her internship to another company, completed it in six months and finished her final year of undergraduate study.

It's nearly impossible for us to be away from each other daily, so sometimes she stays in my house or vice versa.

But right now, here we are, ready to turn another page for our future. Well, I don't know about her, but I am ready.

After finishing her photo session with her friends, Melanie totters toward her parents, and I approach Jake. "Let me take the pictures," I say, and Jake sighs, preparing to join the family photo. I snap a few nice ones before her father's voice booms.

"Vaughn, my boy, what the hell are you doing? Come here!" he shouts, and I ask a student nearby to help us take the pictures.

"Gosh, this is the best feeling ever." Melanie laughs after the guy takes our pictures. I can understand how she's that happy. She has just achieved one of her dreams and is now surrounded by her loved ones.

You deserve it. That's all I can say in my mind. But I'm not going to let her think that this is the best yet. There are many more to come. And she better gets ready for it if she decides that she still wants to be with me.

I turn to Jake, and he nods with a knowing look, patting my shoulder.

"Come on, Mels, I'll show you something better." Jake slings his arm around her shoulder, dragging her away. "What about ice cream? Should we check out some stands over there? They look good."

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