Chapter 21

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"He was your lesson, Not your forever"

And once the storm was over, she didn't remember how she made it through. How she managed to survive. She wasn't even sure, whether the storm was really over.
But one thing was certain. When she came out of the storm, she wasn't the same as the person who walked in. That's what the storm was all about. The sun was out. But she was cold. Her eyes were wide, But her mind was asleep. The world is alive. But she is dead. Nature is love but she is aloof.
Everything screams: live for today.
When she died yesterday.

Vodka was easier to swallow than the fact that he was never coming back. So she drank one, it became four, and when she fell on the floor she drank more. Nothing has changed. She loves him. She still loves him. She wasn't sure which pain was the worst: the shock of what happened or the ache for what will never be.
Nothing had made her sadder than imagining herself not seeing him ever again.

'I tried to save you' she whispered.
Fuck, she could not stop thinking about him.
She wanted it to be him. God damn she really did. So she drank some more.

They were all killers.
They all killed part of themselves to survive.
They've all got blood on their hands. Somewhere someone had to die so they could stay alive.

It had now been a week. Aphy locked herself in her bedroom. She couldn't breathe. She felt like she was dead. Like a chunk of her heart was ripped out of her body. Ever since last week, the house was dead silent. No one talks; the once laughter and joy that filled the rooms had turned upside down. Only the occasional authority visits became more regular. The loss of the boy took a toll on everyone; perhaps more so on the troublemaker. A small knock resounded from her door.

Aphy continue to lay in her bed with her back facing the door. She remained laying lifeless staring into space. The sound of the door opening and sounds of footsteps entering her room filled her sense. Aphy couldn't find the energy in her to get up and talk. She just wanted to die. Yes, she did think of doing that. But, Kato lost his life protecting her life. She would never waste his life like that. He sacrificed himself for her the very thought caused the girl to gag. Jumping out of her bed in a sudden gesture she hurried to the bathroom; puking out with tears in her eyes.

The pairs of eyes witnessed her abrupt gesture with horror-filled eyes. Aphy felt her hair being held out of her face as she puked into the toilet. Flushing her vomit she turned to the sink washing her hands and face. Turning around she met the concerned eyes of Evan. She had no emotions. She felt nothing. Like a life-less corpse. Turning to the side she saw Lola staring at her. Both there eyes were red and dark circles lined beneath their eyes.

"I'm pregnant" Aphy breathed out as a tear loosened out her green eyes. Evan and Lola stared at her with open mouths. The comment catching them completely off guard. Aphy sat down on the bathroom floor as both of them followed. Andres and Willow walked into the bathroom before placing themselves also on the tiled-floor.
Aphy breathed out deeply composing herself. Placing a hand on her stomach she smiled gently with teary-eyes.
"He knew. I told him the night before. I was expecting him to walk out. He looked at me with so much happiness it made me complete" breathing aggressively she continued on.
"He was so happy. He said that he was looking forward to having a family with me. He told me how much he loved me." Her words caused many tears to slip from everyone's eyes.
"The next morning. He proposed" she spoke breathlessly.
"What!" Lola exclaimed with disbelief.
Aphy just looked down on her stomach stroking her undeveloped baby.

Looking up she scanned each of their faces.
Standing up she held her hand to her heart as her breathing constricted. Evan shot up placing his hands on her shoulder.
"Aphy, breathe" she spoke firmly.
"I can't" Aphy panicked.
Finley stormed into the bathroom. Moving to the troublemaker he placed her hand on his chest.
"Follow my breaths. That it. Focus on my breathing" he spoke seriously with his brows furrowed in concentration.

Goddess of TroubleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora