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^Play the song above please. It's so beautiful.

"So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy because you deserve to be.
Believe that.
And believe that dreams come true every day.
Because they do."


Life is funny.

Sometimes when you want something too badly, you picture it over and over again in your head. You imagine your dream coming true and you imagine the joy you would feel if it did.

But that's the thing about miracles.

You don't actually expect them to happen.

And when they do, all you can feel in that moment is disbelief and shock.

As I gazed at the man standing in front of me, I knew I was witnessing a miracle.

Either that or I was going insane.

I pinched the palm of my hand.

"This is not a dream. Trust me, I have pinched myself enough for the two of us." His voice broke in.

His voice.

The voice I had longed to hear for the past four years.

"Is it really you?" I whispered, tears pricking my eyes.

His eyes drifted shut, like he couldn't quite believe that he was hearing my voice.

That's when I lost it.

I flung myself at him, my hands clasping his body desperately, afraid that he would disappear again if I let go.

"I missed you so much." I sobbed into his chest.

Familiar arms wrapped around me. I'd almost forgotten the warmth of his embrace.

"I missed you too tesoro. It was almost too much to bear." His voice broke.

I finally lifted my head to look at him. "How is this even possible? I held you, I saw you-" My voice wavered. I couldn't even bring myself to finish the sentence.

He nodded. "I'll tell you everything. I'll explain." He guided me to the sofa, "but you need to sit down first."

We made ourselves comfortable on the sofa and sat down facing each other.

I reached for his hand and entwined my fingers with his.

"Tell me everything."

He brushed his lips against my hand gently.

An all too familiar shiver ran up my spine at the brief contact.

He felt the same but he looked different. He'd lost weight so he was thinner than before. His hair was longer and he'd grown a beard.

Sebastian's face suddenly became solemn. Pain flashed in his eyes.

I held my breath waiting for him to speak.

"The doctors said it was a miracle." He finally murmured, his eyes growing distant. "They don't know what happened for sure, they're assuming it was autoresuscitation." He took a deep breath. "To make it simple, my heart restarted itself after it had stopped."

My eyes widened in shock. "How did you manage to escape the authorities for so long? They would have thrown you in prison for the rest of your life if they caught you." I gasped. "Are you a fugitive?"

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