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Here is the new beginning to Tackled and Loved after adding 2 new chapters between "Pay Back "and "Tackled and Love"

Trust me when I say this new change connects the stories better AAAAND the first person to guess the hidden Easter egg in this part will receive a prize!!! (To be decided when I am not sleep deprived)

Chapter 17 – Tackled and Loved

Reaching the training field, I stand off to the side watching as Miles and Lease work on demonstrating group tactics to Forest Paw. Some of Blood Moon's newer wolves play the role of enemy as they demonstrate a five on two scenario. Pride swells inside me at the ones I call my family while the demonstration ends and everyone splits off, putting the lesson into practice. Miles sees me, motioning for the Blood Moon wolves to continue training Forest Paw as the two come up to talk to us.
"How bad?" Lease asks, taking the spot on my left while Miles stands to my right.
"Bad. We might have a Soulless army in the early stages of being formed. Hidden Claws is one of the packs being attacked." As an ally pack of ours, Hidden Claws would be considered second in strength next to Blood Moon. Run by the Beta Couple until the young Alpha comes of age, Hidden Claws has grown considerably over the years. But there was something nagging at me to look deeper. I take a deep breath and begin to explain the meeting, Miles and Lease listening intently to each word while we stare out at the wolves training before us. They understood just how important helping Forest Paw out is by the end of this conversation as Dominic and Leo join us soon after I finish explaining things to my two friends.
"Call an end to Hand to Hand, we're working on stamina next." I motion to Miles, taking the scarf from Lease and tucking half of it into my waist band. Miles yells out for everyone to gather around as Dominic gives my hand a reassuring squeeze knowing full well I needed to run in order to clear my thoughts............

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