Chapter Seventy Seven

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"I don't think I've ever celebrated a holiday at the Manor," I confess to Draco as we sit in his bedroom on the eve of Christmas. The fireplace in his bedroom crackles, delivering much needed warmth and comfort to the two of us.

"Trust me, you aren't missing out on much," Draco responds with a slight chuckle. I know he said it as a joke, but it always makes me sad when he mentions his awful home life.

"Oh look, it's snowing!" I change the subject as I accidentally notice frost falling from the clouds. "Isn't it beautiful? I love snow," I say contently.

"Not as beautiful as you, but it's nice," Draco hums, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a hug from behind. "Your hair smells nice — like vanilla."

"And yours smells like hair gel," I tease, reaching my hand out and ruffling his slicked back platinum blonde hair. His hair looks much better when it's natural and parted down the middle.

He laughs before his face suddenly turns serious. "I have to tell you something, Amelia." My heartbeat quickens and my palms feel sweaty — is he going to break up with me?

He takes out a small, neatly wrapped box with my name on it. "I know Christmas isn't until tomorrow, but I'd rather you open it right now so that it's just us when you do," He says, almost shyly.

"Er — all right," I say nervously, making great effort to open the box carefully. After about thirty seconds, the wrapping paper is removed and I'm left with a sparkly miniature box. I open it and gasp in surprise at what I see.

It's a beautiful silver diamond ring.

"Draco . . .," I trail off, speechless.

"Do you like it?" He asks nervously.

"It's beautiful."

"It's a promise ring. I wanted to give you this so you know that I'll be by your side forever. I — I love you, Amelia. I've never felt this way about anybody else before. I can't live without you," Draco rambles, wringing his hands together anxiously.

"I love you, too," I tell him, a smile forming upon my face. "You truly are the person I care for most in this world, and I want to be with you forever and always."

The two of us exchange a brief kiss before looking at each other and smiling. I've never realized how lucky we are to have each other in this moment. I can't imagine what it would be life if one of us had to go and do this all by ourselves.

"I'm still giving you my present tomorrow," I whisper cheerily. "You'll have to wait."

"I'd wait a million years," Draco says.

All of a sudden he stands up and marches over to the middle of his bedroom. "Join me," He says with a smile, extending his hand for me to grab it.

"Will you do the honors of dancing with me?" Draco asks me in a chivalrous manner. "I have to compensate for missing the dance at Professor Slughorn's party," He adds with a hint of a smile grazed upon his face.

"Of course," I giggle, taking his hand. He pulls my hand up to his face and gives it a dainty kiss before taking out his wand and putting a music charm on a harp in the corner of his room.

The harp begins to play a slow, magical tune on its own. Draco takes my hand and puts it on his shoulder and he puts that hand on my waist. My hand intertwines with his free hand and the two of us waltz around the room without a care in the world. Draco is an amazing dancer and he leads me around his room gracefully.

"My mother's had me enrolled in ballroom dancing lessons since I could walk," Draco says after seeing my confused expression.

"You're wonderful," I compliment him. "The first and last time I've ever done this type of dance was the Yule Ball," I reminisce. The Yule Ball would be exactly two years ago from tomorrow.

"With Bletchley," Draco says flatly, his eyes darkening in jealousy.

"You know I never saw him as more than a friend. Besides, I don't think he liked me like that either. Remember that day when he tried to kiss me and you interrupted? He never did anything like that after that," I ramble, keeping my eyes on Draco the whole time and accidentally stepping on his foot in the process.

"Are you that daft, Amelia?" Draco asks. If me stepping on his foot hurt him, his face shows no sign of pain. "I'm the reason why Bletchley didn't make any more advances on you," He confesses.

"Really?" I ask in surprise but continue to dance with him around the room. "But you hated me then — why did you do it?"

"I've fancied you since the moment I laid eyes on you. But I was a fourteen year old prat who didn't know how to express my feelings. I'm so lucky that you've chosen to look past that," He tells me softly, a grateful smile etched upon his face.

"Of course I did! We were so young. Everyone is stupid at that age," I reassure him.

"You were never stupid," Draco informs me. "That's what made me so fascinated in you. You were always so perfect. You're amazing at Quidditch, you're smart, you're beautiful, and everyone loves you."

I bite my lip. "Not anymore," I tell him awkwardly. "The Gryffindors all seem to dislike me now ever since I've started dating you," I mumble.

"That's stupid," Draco says with a scowl. "I mean, I understand why they wouldn't like me, but you haven't done anything worthy for them to dislike you," He complains.

I nod, unsure of how to respond.


The next morning I wake up entangled in Draco's arms, feeling his warm touch despite the weather being chilly and brisk. I attempt to escape his grip and start getting ready, but he groans and pulls me closer to his chest.

"Five more minutes . . .," He says. His voice is deeper and raspier than usual due to the fact that he had just woken up.

"Merry Christmas," I whisper to him whilst giggling and snuggling in closer to him.

The smell of homemade gingerbread cookies from downstairs makes its way to Draco's room upstairs. Eagerly, the two of us get up and quickly throw on presentable clothes for the day.

"You look like a mess," Draco laughs, staring at me up and down. "A sexy mess, though."

"I could say the same to you," I comment, looking at his messy hair and his tired face.

The two of us head downstairs where Narcissa and my mother are having a serious discussion. Their voices are low and their heads are down.

"Oh — Draco, Amelia! Merry Christmas!" Narcissa says, clapping her hands together cheerfully once she sees the two of us emerge from upstairs. My mother looks me up and down with a particularly distasteful look on her face but doesn't say anything to either of us.

"Merry Christmas," Draco and I respond politely in unison.

The four of us eat cookies and exchange presents — Narcissa gave me a beautiful stationary set and my parents had gotten me a single quill. I still have Draco's ring from yesterday and no one has said anything about it, much to my relief.

"Is this from you, Amelia?" Draco asks curiously, shaking a rather large box that has his name written on it.

I nod, unable to keep the smile off of my face. "Go on and open it."

He rips the package open and I instantly know from the look on his face that he loves what I'd gotten him.

"An Invisibility Cloak! How did you even get this?" Draco asks in surprise, his mouth hanging open.

I smirk. "It was Barty Crouch Junior's. After he died, his Invisibility Cloak was auctioned off. I bought it for five hundred Galleons," I explain. Even my mother looks impressed with the present I got.

Ohhhhh :0

I was watching POA a few minutes ago (I haven't watched this movie since 8th grade) and I just wanna know why Draco was sooo dramatic like for what

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