thirty three.

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Ever since that talk in their bedroom, Jeongguk's instinctive possessive thoughts had simmered down with Taehyung's words.

His words about the defiant alpha in the village were honest, he had seen how visibly upset and hurt Taehyung had become.

He kept thinking back to the exact moment he and Jimin exited the small booth and found the omega being harassed by the stranger.

The rumors did not make sense.

Why would Taehyung be trying to pull away from the alpha if he liked the attention he attracted?

Why was he so visibly traumatized by the incident that he slept on Jeongguk's chest the entire night?

All of those things led Jeongguk to make the decision to push away every preconceived judgement of Taehyung he had before meeting him.

He would make his own judgement based on how he saw Taehyung behaving, knowing that if the omega was truly what those rumors said, he would eventually show his true colors.

It was not like he could erase the information but it was time to focus on the present.

That being Taehyung currently giggling as he braided his hair.

He had just blow dried his hair after a hot shower and went to bury his nose into the omega's neck.

Taehyung had begun to play with his hair in a soothing manner and the alpha felt his eyes beginning to shut.

"It looks good," Taehyung admired his handy work afterwards, fully aware of Jeongguk's gaze on him.

"Yeah?" He murmured softly, reaching upward to capture Taehyung's lips.

"I used to braid some of the little omegas' hair back in the village."

Taehyung's voice was gentle, the boy was clearly reminiscing on old times.

Jeongguk decided he didn't like the small pout settled on his lips, especially when he was saying something as wholesome as that.

The thought of Taehyung taking time in braiding several little girls' hair out of the kindness of his heart made Jeongguk's chest feel funny.

"They used to run up to me with stolen flowers from some of the venders for me to put into their hair," Taehyung giggled softly, remembering how angry the venders would get as he would just apologize.

Sometimes Yoongi would gift him small floral arrangements (clearly stating they were not courting gifts) and Taehyung would use them to weave them into the little omega's hair.

"Sounds like you might have had a business going." Jeongguk stifled a small laugh, finally sitting up against the headboard.

But Taehyung was quick to interject, "Oh no, I really like children so-"

The omega realized much too late that he had unknowingly brought up a sensitive topic that they had never once discussed.

He knew that the royal family needed an heir, that much was clear when the queen insisted on knowing his health.

They could not let the royal alpha bloodline come to an end, meaning the omega would have to eventually conceive a child.

But he did not know Jeongguk's thoughts on the matter or whether he wanted children at all.

For all Taehyung knew, the reason he would not bed him was due to not wanting to knot and breed him.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up-"

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