36 | All Three

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yeah bit of a warning, harry BIG DRAMATIC
but let's be honest
we all know he's got a temper (cough cough bathroom scene cough cough)

∞ ϟ



I'LL HAND IT TO HIM, Draco seemed to have gotten better at scheduling secret rendezvous.

Instead of trying to sneak into my common room, or making funny faces across the potions classroom, he managed to finally think of an easier approach—owling a note.

I just didn't know why he chose the Astronomy Tower. Sure, it had a great view, but the Room of Requirement usually suited us best. There we would have complete assurance that it was only us, and that our secrets wouldn't pass through the stone walls and spin into rumors.

Pulling my sweater tighter against my chest, I ascended the metal staircase, my heart beating with excitement. I couldn't wait to see him again...it felt like ages since we last spoke.

And then I saw a familiar figure lingering by the ledge.

"You couldn't have chosen somewhere warmer to meet?" I shuddered, stepping up out into the chilly air, "it's awfully cold up here, Draco."

But then I realized who it was.

The familiarity of their presence flew over my head like a plane, and I didn't realize who was really standing in front of me until the moonlight caught them in a trance.

"Sorry to disappoint," Harry frowned, "but I'm not Malfoy."

Oh my god.

Suddenly I felt a swelling rise up into my throat, suffocating me out of any thoughts and words for a moment of pure panic. The boy's glasses seemed to reflect the pure disdain radiating off of his face, and the evident frown sent me stepping backwards towards the stairs.

I wasn't ready for this.

I never wanted to be ready for this.

"No," I mumbled under my breath, "Harry, not here, not now, not...ever, just please leave me alone."

I had to shut it down before it escalated! I knew Harry had a horrible jealous habit, and my accidental confirmation made it clear I had been hiding my relationship for a long time.

He clenched his jaw, "come here, [y/n]."

"No," I whimpered, shaking my head, "I'm not talking about this."

"Come here."


"I'm not going to tell you three times," he spat out, "either you do as I say, or I'm going to handle Malfoy myself."

This is what I was afraid of. Harry's possessiveness. My heart broke for his past; the loss of his parents, and the pain the Dursley's put him through, which made him cling onto whatever he could just to give him a sense of stability.

But I...was scared of it. Being the thing that held him up all the time, because I knew my heart had other priorities.

"Tell me," he seethed, "does he love you like I do?"


"No," I said bluntly, unconsciously stepping forward, "he loves me better."

I guess something snapped in me unexpectedly. Months of pent up anger and annoyance all boiling over at this very moment. He couldn't do anything about it now. He knew. Even if he didn't accept it, he knew, and now Draco and I couldn't stop hiding.

REQUIREMENTS | DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now