Chapter 37 In No Rush

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***Puppy love.***

When I stiffened slightly, Pierce gave me a mock frown before turning his body to settle once again back into the sofa. He pulled me along with him, placing me back into the vee of his shoulder, his arm around me, holding me snuggly against him.

"Say anything you need, Jackson. Talk when you're ready. I'm here, holding you. I can assure you I am in no rush."

I could hear the laughter in his tone. I knew he was teasing me but the secure way he held me also told me he was speaking nothing but the truth. He'd hunkered down and settled in. He was atypically patience personified. I would have never guessed him capable.

"I kind of feel l... like I've made it a bigger deal than I in...intended," I said, feeling exactly that.

"If that's the case then... that would be my fault wouldn't it?" Pierce chimed in unexpectedly to question. "I panicked when you stuttered and that derailed you and took us on a detour. So, no worries. We're back on track so to speak. Big or small, it doesn't matter."

So, Pierce. Ready to take anything on. Not afraid. Brave and ever-poised. I liked every bit of that about him.

I wanted to be a little like that, too. Less timid, more self-possessed. More daring, less fragile. And to be so, I had to start somewhere, didn't I?

Taking a small shaky breath, I finally managed to rush out, "It's about the night we m... met."

As we sat side by side, I couldn't see Pierce's face to gage his reaction but his body remained relaxed, his hand still casually dangling over my shoulder. I didn't glance over at him either to see the expression of his face. I kept my eyes focused on Ziggy and worked at controlling the slight anxiety that was tightening my stomach.

"Ahh," Pierce drawled out from my right. "So many things we could talk about with regards to that night."

He chuckled out loud and I smiled despite myself. I loved the sound of his laughter.

"That actually might be an understatement," he continued, making me smile. "What specifically about that memorable night would you like to discuss?"

His sarcastically mocking tone was all self-directed and it kind of took the edge off of my anxiety. For some reason, from the tone of his voice and the words he spoke I could tell he was totally prepared and ready to have this conversation with me. The pressure I had put on myself had been unnecessary I now realized and I relaxed back completely against him, not recognizing until just then how tightly I had been holding myself.

"There are t... two things in particular I'm curious about," I said.

The main question of course was why had Pierce acted the way he had that night. But there was something else I wanted to know. I had been curious for a while now as to why he had been there to begin with. That night he had not seemed to be partying or there with any friends. I hadn't asked because I had wanted to avoid the topic of that night in any way I could but now was different. Now was the perfect time and it would break the ice leading to my second more sensitive question.

"Who were you at the club with that night?"

A surprised sounding choke exploded from Pierce's chest and I swiveled my head quickly around to look up at him in surprise.

"What was that reaction?" I gasped.

"Holy hell, Jackson! I just hadn't been expecting that question. "Jealous?" he asked, side-eyeing me with his wicked grin.

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