#16 - Cuddle

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"Hey Sejin." I smile and wave at the said man when he slides the van door open.

He smiles back at me and nods his head. "You guys okay?"

Yoongi nods. "For now, yeah." He scans the streets for anyone around before climbing into the black van.

I grip my hands onto the sides of the van and am about to hoist myself in, when I then have a hand suddenly appear infront of me.

I stop and meet eyes with Yoongi. He casually waits for me to connect my hand with his. "Any time today, Yeonie."

I sigh and grab his hand and I step inside, sliding the door closed behind me. Yoongi and I once again sit with eachother at the back of the van with Sejin in front. Only this time Jin isn't sat infront of us. It's just the three of us in here.

"Did you see anything weird then?" Yoongi asks.

Sejin shakes his head. "The coast is clear." He then turns around. "How long do we have?"

"7 hours precisely." Yoongi replies. "You know where to take us." A little smile then forms on Yoongi's lips.

Well, that's not suspicious at all. Sejin hums in response and nods, staring up the engine and beginning to drive down the street.

I raise my eyebrow and lean over slightly to Yoongi on my right. "Where are we going?" I whisper.

He leans back and whispers, "My studio."

I gasp quietly. "Really?"

Yoongi nods. "Since you've never seen it before I may aswell give you a tour. Also it'll give you a chance to see the boys and watch us practice, since I don't think you've seen us do that either."

I shake my head. "Nope, I haven't."

He then frowns. "I was joking, I thought you would've watched our dance practice videos."


He pouts. "Wow, thanks."

"Isn't it a little risky to be going to your studio?"

"Don't worry Miss Song, surprisingly you'll be more safe when you're with us." Sejin's voice rings in our ears. "This one definitely won't let anyone touch you."

I begin to smirk and slowly turn my head to Yoongi. He clears his throat and avoids eye contact, turning his head from me and looking out the window. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"Is that so?" I say to Sejin whilst still burning my eyes into Yoongi's slight panicked face.

Sejin nods. "Yeah, he said himself that if anything were to happen to you then he'd never forgive himself and make sure whoever hurt you would pay. And if they were to take you somewhere, he would spend all his days and nights running all over Seoul and South Korea if he has to, to find you."

Yoongi snaps his head to Sejin in the front. "Sejin, shut up!"

And that leaves me speechless. My eyes double in size and I turn my head at Sejin in shock. I then turn back to Yoongi who's gaze is now fixed in his lap. He would search for that long for me if I was taken? All over South Korea? Considering he's a pretty busy man that's pushing it a little, a lot in fact.

Yoongi peers his gaze up at me and then quickly looks back down. "Don't give me that look, you'd do the same for me." He mutters.

I chuckle and rest my eyes on his face for a little longer. I smile to myself and close my eyes, gently lowering my head onto his shoulder. I feel them tense at my touch but then they soon ease.

Airport - Min Yoongi (1/4) ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now