Chapter 7 - It's hard

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Third person's POV

Xavier and all his brothers told Salvatore about them finding stuff in Moon's bag and told him they got rid of everything.

Hearing all this Salvatore told them about her recent behaviour and how she excused herself saying that she is tired

They all decided to go to her room and check up on her but Xavier stopped them telling them he will go. His brothers were not happy about this but they knew Xavier would be the best person to deal with the situation.

As Xavier entered Moon's room he saw all her stuff in the ground and she was curled up in a ball. He went and sat near her. Sensing a presence beside her she uncurled her body and laid there facing the ceiling. Xavier did the same thing.

Xavier's POV

I didn't say a word. Just laid there and hear her sniff.

Sometimes you just have to be there for people and sometimes that is enough. We often confuse 'being there' with 'need to say something'. You don't have to say there you just have to let your presence do the magic

"What am I supposed to do?" Moon said her eyes still fixed on the ceiling "it's like every time I try, every time I think I am getting better, every time I think I am getting over it, it all comes back. It comes back and I just lay there not knowing what to do" as she finished I heard some more sniffs

"Maybe you should let yourself feel, maybe you should let it go," I told her my eyes still fixed on the ceiling

"I don't like losing control. When I lose control it feels as if I am not doing the right thing. It is like I am seeking attention. As if it's not the right thing to do" her voice cracked up

I turned to face her "Seeking attention is not bad, Moon. It just shows that you want to be loved and that you believe in love. And there is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to feel loved, to want people to care to for you" I said to her and she too turned her face to me

"But I end up pushing people away. The second I open up it gets too much for the other person. It feels like I am just dumping all my baggage on the other person and it doesn't feel the right thing to do. What should I do Xavier?" she said sitting up her face in her hands as she sobbed.

I got up and pulled her in for a hug ignoring her 'don't ever touch me' and surprisingly she didn't pull away but clung to me. I hugged her. She needs a good cry. She pulled away she wiped her nose from the back of her sleeve.

"I don't want to feel this way, I just want to feel okay, I just want to feel happy, I don't want to feel this empty. I don't want to" saying this she again hugged me and sobbed.

I didn't say a word. I just hugged her back.

"It's okay, love," I said rubbing her back

"it's not!" she said before breaking into another fit of sobs

"I know it's not but it will get okay" I replied to her still rubbing her back

"I don't know"

"It's okay, you don't have to know anything. I know and for now, we can manage with that" I told her

And after a while, her sobs stopped and she just laid her head on my shoulder

"I am gonna be so embarrassed about this in the morning," she said sounding irritated

I laughed

"It's okay"

"I feel sleepy now. Sleeping after crying is like the best thing ever" she said this making no efforts to get up and just laid there hugging me. Slowly she loosened her grip her hands fall on the side of her body but she remained in the same position with all her weight on me

"Are you asleep?" I asked her

She just groaned in response and after a while, she did fall asleep and I laid her on the bed.

After Moon slept I got out of the room slowly closing the door behind me

I saw all my brothers outside the room.

Don't ya'll have job to do?

"Is she okay?"  asked Enzo

"What happened to her," asked Luca

"Is she hurt?" Lorenzo said with a panic in his voice

"Xavier, is Moon okay?" Salvatore said in a spine chilling tone

Bitch was so sweet with Moon fucking two-faced fucker. But we all love him

"Guys relax. She is fine, Enzo. Nothing happened to her, Luca. Some times it happens with people who struggle with self-harm. Things trigger them and sometimes they just want to do it because they want to feel something. She is not hurt, Lor. And she is okay bro. She just got so many things inside of her and she is just too scared to let anyone in. She needs reassurance. She is just hurt, something has happened with her that she is not ready to talk about. But I am sure she'll let her guard down. We just need to be patient and be there for her" I told them and they all just nodded in acceptance.

Salvatore just looked at us and bought us all together into a group hug.

He might be scary but he is very understanding and empathetic. In a way, he is just like Moon, closed off. Doesn't let people in.

I know already that he is gonna be Moon favourite brother.

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